Wednesday, October 17, 2007

questions for the drug fueled pyne

Could Mr Pynes fixation on drugs and abusing young children for political gain be behind the reason for the girl on the rights need for a wheelchair? Some people have speculated that the drugs found in Ben Cousins car were planted by Mr Pynes in retaliation for the "outing" of the Grand Mufti of Ponces dark, hideous secrets?

Will the Grand Mufti answer these pertinent questions or will he hide behind the cloak of parliamentary privilege and the snide retort of "no comment" forever. Holding ministers accountable is hardly the first port of call for any of Howards accident prone, forgetful bench, these days "i don't recall" spread over a dozen different weaselly ways is the new liberal slogan. Well mr Pyne, O grand ponce, did the drugs that many speculate you have an obsession with contribute to the memory failures of Mr Vaile, Mr Downer and PM Howard when they were forced by subpeaona to appear before Howards Little Bitch, Terrence Cole at the AWB Scandal Whitewash?

The Grand Mufti makes many unsubstantiated claims behind the legal shield of parliament, the woman in the picture above with a clearly "unusually" happy Mr Pyne, is stated by the ponce to be a maternal relation. This raises many more questions than it answers, such as will Mr Pyne undergo a DNA test to finally establish the truth in this sordid matter or will we need to go searching through FOI and neutral subcommittees to get the full, frank and shocking details? Is this in fact the woman who was seen in the car with Ben Cousins on the afternoon of his arrest? Did this woman give her permission to be used in such a blatant politically charge manner on the eve of a federal election, certainly his website and evasive answers offer nothing concrete other than his own words to bolster what could be a typically partisan smear against an innocent elderly woman. Don't forget that the Grand Mufti himself has stated that he is too damned busy conning his local electorate and way too young and adorable to be seen with the elderly, and yet we have this possibly photo shopped image of the him with this ancient piece of flesh.

As with all that is the Howard Government, the truth will be subsumed beneath a parsed legalese response requiring a QC's paycheck to discover. Tampa and the AWB scandal could well seem like mere lead based children's toys when this brouhaha is unleashed from its tangled web of possible and potential deceit.


Day Four of the election campaign with little to show 4 the day besides a few minor foaming moments of Janet Albrechtsen's usual rabid anti-Labor shite, but then the Australian is not exactly noted for anything besides unflinching support for anything our wretched PM does. Hows this for grasping at straws, the headline "PM's stock rises on IR, economy", which when you read the article reveals that "In the latest Newspoll survey, Labor support on the issue of industrial relations was 47 per cent compared with the Coalition's 34 per cent. " Hows that for a bullshit headline, after spending $121 million on IR ads, the PM is still a very long way behind on one of his supposed strengths. Add that to this:

According to the latest Newspoll survey, conducted last weekend before the start of the election campaign, Labor has kept clear leads over the Coalition on the issues rated most important to voters - health and Medicare, water planning, education and the environment. Labor also led the Coalition on the handling of the environment, welfare and industrial relations. Labor has traditionally kept ahead of the Coalition on most of these issues in most surveys, and has slightly lifted its overwhelming lead on social issues by two points to 51 per cent to the Coalition's 28 per cent.

and you wonder about the rational behind the subs need to appeal to Rupert for his paycheck.

Costello stumped by mortgage claim

Quoting from a 2007 Econtech report, the website says Labor's industrial relations policy will push interest rates 1.4 per cent higher than they are today.
"This means working families will have to pay an extra $273 every month on their mortgage repayments," it says.
But asked by a journalist to explain such figuring, Mr Costello didn't have an answer.
"I would have to go and look at what's on the website, and if I do I'll give you the information," Mr Costello told a media conference in Melbourne."
Asked again how the government could say that mortgages were going up by such an exact figure, Mr Costello said: "You have asked me to have a look at it and see how it adds up. I'll have a look at it and see how it adds up."

John Howards Friends abuse children with the PM's full endorsement (as long as they keep the money rolling in)

"To treat children in that way is abusive of them, and it's psychologically very damaging to the child. It's in effect telling the child that their parent is worthless … and that really is quite unacceptable."

US Prison Culture: the No 1 Prison nation on earth

One-third of the departing officers were fired for poor performance, falsification of applications or inappropriate conduct, including physical abuse of detainees.

“They get paid about the same as a Wal-Mart employee for a dangerous job that most people don’t want to do,” said Scott Henson, founder of Grits for Breakfast, a criminal justice blog. “So they have had to reach deeper and deeper into the bottom of the barrel.”

Juvenile detainees as young as 13 years old slept on filthy mats in dormitories with broken, overflowing toilets and feces smeared on the walls. Denied outside recreation for weeks at a time, they ate bug-infested food, did school work that consisted of little more than crossword puzzles and defecated in bags.

Don Sorgman and Terri Bruce say their 17-year-old son has been beaten by other inmates and pepper-sprayed by guards.

After months of glowing state reports, the squalid conditions were disclosed on Oct. 1 by state inspectors at the Coke County Juvenile Justice Center in Bronte. They are another sign of the deep disarray of the Texas Youth Commission, the nation’s second-largest, after Florida’s, and most troubled juvenile corrections agency.


The War on Terror in all its hypocritical, vile, bloodstained truth.

"by any means at our disposal" dick cheney

the twisted joke that is The War

Bush, Cheney and the US justice department have all used this case to bolster the image of thier dirty war, remember the front page claims about the Sears Tower just about to be blown to a million smithereens by a gang of homegrown terrorists on the eve of another vote in congress re: enhancing the terror laws. Remember how they turned out to be a bunch of quacky semi-christians with no access to anything except a paid FBI informant and that all except one of the defendants had never been outside their own city. Well:

Earlier Thursday, Assad testified that Batiste provided a detailed list of gear the group wanted, including machine guns, bulletproof vests, sport utility vehicles, motorcycles and $50,000 in cash. He said Batiste sought dynamite to destroy the 110-story Sears Tower.

Attorneys for Batiste and the others have said they never intended to mount a terrorist attack and that they went along with the FBI informants only to attempt to extort money from them.

Assad assured Batiste that he was a legitimate al-Qaida representative and the two informants were driven back to Miami unharmed.

the future of the war under the republicans:

JAMES "SPIDER" MARKS, MAJOR GENERAL, U.S. ARMY (RET.): I'd stick a knife in somebody's thigh in a heartbeat.

At the GOP debate in May, Romney surprised a lot of people -- and drew applause from his audience -- when he said: "Some people have said, we ought to close Guantanamo. My view is, we ought to double Guantanamo."


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