Friday, October 12, 2007

after 11 years...welcome to 1967

I cannot say sorry
for our attempts at cultural genocide
for 200 years of squatting on your land
for breaking treaties with you and your ancestors
for deliberately poisoning your children with arsenic laced flour
for the hurt and devastating harm caused by introducing
alcohol into your communities
for failing to acknowledge your existence
for failing to acknowledge
the depth, strength, diversity
of your culture
for stealing your children
for the missionaries "saving" your souls
for introducing a thousand diseases into your lives
for building carpets of concrete and asphalt
across your beautiful land
for failing to understand
the affinity we need have with this fragile country
for trying to exterminate your languages
for the languages we did exterminate
for decimating your population
by any means we deemed appropriate
for the massacres
for the murderers we let loose amongst you
for having twenty more years of life in me
because my skin is white
for all that has been lost on the rivers of time
for all that will never be recovered
from the dust
with the last breath
of your dying men
for all the pain I will never know
you have lived through
for my governments attempts
to consign your lives
to the pits of history
(health spending 2007:
urban population: $400 per year average
rural : $360 per year average
Indigenous: $200 per year average)


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