Monday, October 15, 2007

Glowing Bullshit: you decide at long last

Scientists confirms John Howard walked this way

Who do you trust?

A former member of the Exclusive Brethren has revealed the secretive religious sect has been transferring large sums of money across the world, possibly to fund political campaigns in Australia and the US.
Two senior elders of the Exclusive Brethren sect have gained permanent access to Federal Parliament, as lobbyists, under the sponsorship of two Howard Government MPs

must watch for the night, 4 Corners on the Exclusive Brethren and its links to Greens smears and the liberal party.

LBJ on opponent in a senatorial race: Spread the rumour that he fucks pigs.

Aid to LBJ: but there's no truth to it.

LBJ: I know I just want to see the headlines in the papers when the bastard denys it.

Is Rupert M going in to bat for the Libs, the Australian has been running hard to link K. Rudd to this, the first smear campaign of the election.

The disclosure by former John Oxley Youth Centre teacher Karen Mersiades undermines claims the alleged victim was denied justice in a conspiracy involving Kevin Rudd to cover up the crime.

Day one minute one
and the cash starts flowing-
can you be bribed? again....
Costello plans on giving you $34 billion dollars in tax cuts
you apparently want better education, better hospitals, lower interest rates and maybe something to do with climate change that doesn't involve turning off your giant plasma, but you don't want to pay for it, in fact you want the government to pay you for the privilege.
is there a disconnect between what people want and what people think they deserve and what it is that they can get. As the saying goes, if you cant have your cake and eat it too, why the hell did you order the cake?
But back to my original point, $34 billion on the first day? I do believe that treasury warned that excessive election spending will lead to higher interest rates, so does this make the November rates rise a certainty. And after this day one splurge, will the PM now sit back and say, "look sorry, we have nothing left to say, just sit tight till election day in six weeks coz we just spent half the surplus on day one and basically cant afford to spend one more cent."
let the piggy bank break and roll on the floor in agony, coz the Pm is sure gonna be throwing cash at you, yea fucking mightily.
For the labor party the big question
can it win 16 seats?
forget the opinion polls
Queensland poll shows Labor support is not uniform across the nation.
In it, Galaxy polled 800 residents in the marginal, Liberal-held seats of Bonner, Moreton, Herbert (margin 6.2) and Longman (6.7).
a uniform swing of the magnitude of the last twelve months data is really questionable and Howard is playing the marginals, throwing cash in vast bucket loads at seats like eden monaro and that could well spell the downfall of Rudd even if he wins the support of an overwhelming number of the electorate.
remember Nobel prize winner Al Gore, he won nearly 52% of the US vote and still lost in 2000.
Peace in our times?
So what will Condi Rice and her little lap dog Tony Blair do about this, each and every time a modicum of hope emerges from the occupied territorys, the government of Israel looks towards these touchstones of violence and scuttles the attempt.
Israel will resume archaeological excavations near a Jerusalem holy site that has often been a flashpoint for violence, Israeli officials said Sunday. The decision drew Palestinian charges that Israel is trying to scuttle next month's U.S.-sponsored peace conference.


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