Thursday, February 28, 2008

100 days of solitude

She set fire to the house

and watched it burn down to the ground,

there are murders

and there are murders

and they happen everyday.....

in the last eight days 130 Palestinians killed

in the last eight days 12 Israeli's killed

only the Israeli deaths have been described by the US as an "act of terror and depravity''

only the Israeli deaths are important enough to reach the front pages of our newspapers.

"I condemn in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attack in Jerusalem that targeted innocent students at the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva. This barbaric and vicious attack on innocent civilians deserves the condemnation of every nation,'' said Bush.

Bush on the murder of a 1 month old Palestinian by Israeli forces this week, nothing.



Now that whining arch conservative fat fcuking nitpicker, Piers Akerman no longer enjoys the pleasure of being subsidised by the Australian Taxpayer for writing Alexander Downers speeches, I can finally agree with his hypocritical loathsome arse. The rotund brainless Howard lick spittle made a profound point on the the demise of the Liberals by declaring that the Rudd Government in its first 100 days had "moved on all the things that don't matter to Australians, the apology, kyoto, the pacific island solution, withdrawal from Iraq...."

These things most probably didn't swing many votes towards the Labor party on their own and in many ways acting on them was the easiest thing that the new government could do, being in the main, symbolic acts. Yet the symbolism produced a profound schism between the Howard years and the new Rudd Government, staking out the new mans credentials instantly and pushing his ratings into the stratosphere

Lowlife scumbag Piers is right, none of these things on their own would have changed more than a handful of votes, yet for all of his talk of things not mattering to the Australian people, they meant the world to the far right ideologues of the Howard Government, like abortion or the ten commandments or anything to do with science or facts to the fucked up evangelicals of the US Republicans.

Therein lies the rub, if these things as Piers states don't matter to the electorate, and clearly they do judging by the popularity of the new boys and girls, then Piers is really saying that these things don't matter to the Liberals (and once again, clearly they do, if only in opposition to any changes to the stances), what is the point of the Liberals holding positions on a/things that don't matter or b/clutching so dearly in opposition to ideas that the electorate clearly embraces but the liberals outright reject. It all points to just how separated the libs are from reality, and just how confused they are going to be through the next few years of opposition.

Witness Opposition IR spokesweasil, Julie Bishop, declare workchoices dead, while praising Howards stand on Workchoices in a speech to a right wing thinktank in the US, while saying that she would block the new government's IR reforms and at the same time declaring that the Australian electorate had spoken on the Howard era IR reform and she would not oppose them. So far she has offered nothing but a shifting position on a daily basis to her own ever shifting position. I do believe that she is trying to find the elusive answer to Schroediger's Cat, her answer is that when she last lifted the lid, it wasn't looking well, and she wasn't even sure it was a cat.

Draw this into the wider debate and look at one of the main beneficiaries of AWA's, ABC Learning Centres and its current troubles. ABC Learning was at the heart and soul of Howards devolvement of government services to the private sector, earning well over a million dollars a day directly from federal government coffers, while screwing down wages and conditions for its staff and toddlers under care through AWA's, while also being one of the largest contributors to the Liberal Party, never has one hand washed the other so thoroughly, nor transparent ideological corruption been so self evident. Like Wacenhut in the US (and here) lobbying for lawmakers to push through laws which would throw people in their jails, its open and blatant corruption, yet completely legal.

This is where the Libs are going to have it very tough in the next couple of years, with a membership nation wide of less than 16,000, whose average age is 69 (the Nationals average age is over 70) and no ability to go the next election with anything resembling an IR policy, where is the cash going to come from to feed their expensive machine. Industry that for the last 11 years have funnelled vast amounts into the Liberal coffers will clearly have little on offer next time around.

The answer to this will lie in the NSW right, the truly fucked in the head religious zealots who will push a party that has given up the middle ground towards outright fruitcakery, the other source will be the Libs hope that their state brethren in WA will not make the same hash of things that Debnam did in the last NSW election and so bring on the cash cow that is WA today.

The Libs of today look a lot like the Conservatives of post the Maggie/Major era, a tired. aging rump of a party, devoid of ideas, low on cash and in retreat from all that they held dear only just a few minutes ago. Like the Conservatives of the that time they will most likely resort to the old Hang em High, kids should be jailed and not seen, law and order policies, so beloved of elderly voters. But that's a good two leaders down the track for the Libs, their other major problem.

The Howard legacy never tasted sooooooo goood.


Can you fly to the USA? Can you fly within the USA?

not if your names David Nelson.

as of today there are over 922, 000 names on the US Terrorists screening list, are you one of them? Find out here:

The Language Virus

Skeptical U.S. law enforcement officials are seeking access to computers and documents that authorities in Colombia say show the leftist group FARC sought "50 kilograms of uranium" for a possible dirty bomb.

The great myth of the "Dirty Bomb" continues to plague the world, but its more the viral spread of the idea that haunts me, who could possibly have guessed that Columbia and its far right President are close allies of GW Bush. Its like whatever the Bushies touch (or give massive amounts of aid to, $600 million to Columbia and that does not include all the military aid) becomes infected with strangely twisted misinformation that mirrors whatever paranoid fantasies that the whitehouse is pushing, in roughly the same language.

The reality is that in order to qualify for that massive amount of aid that the American public are doling out to keep Bushes freinds in power, the Bushies like to hear their favourite catch phrases before each signing session. My thoughts at this second is that with Columbia being used as a Bush proxy against the leftist rise in Latin America, we should expect to see an Alqueda/Farc connection sometime soon.

The Iraq tragedy just keeps on giving.
By scrutinising the darkness and sharpness of shadows, she was able to identify holes made by looters and whether they were pre-existing or new. In this way she was able to assess the severity of looting before and after the Gulf War. According to Stone, 15.75 square kilometers of land have been intensively looted, including 213 archaeological sites.

The Myth of the Surge


A useful resource for anyone who has been either kidnapped by the CIA or by aliens posing as CIA operatives. God knows I have, now I know how to recognise that someone else has a problem thanks to this. But a word of warning from the administrator:

I do not have the knowledge about any medical procedures, or Dr's that does removal of implants. I also do not know of any Lawyers or any legal assistance that I can direct you. The best that I can do for you is direct you to support email groups, people there will be able to assist you better than I. That will also give you contact with other victims. As sad as it is to say many professional in the field of health care have a difficult time, believing this is going one with anyone. As for a therapist, they cannot really help with the electronic harassment and torture that people endure.

For the people that have endured mind control mixed with ritual abuse it is the same thing.

Remember, everything you read on the Internet is 100% true, like a universal spellchecker, it ejects anything that may be just a little factually challenged.

As an antidote to the above gross stupidity and utter incoherent madness: