"Lebanon will be dark for a few years." IDF offical to Haaretz.
Well darkness and the ensueing paranoid fear of the dark have invade the far right of the world. Not since the glowing days of the Mccarthy era have we heard such ridiculously overblown claims eminating from what purports to be the intellectual backbone of the right.
Im not talking about Fox news, thats simply the alarmist network that sells fear as Dior sells perfume. (the latest example being the wonder, Suicide Drone, a drone launched probably by Hezzbollah and named by Fox)
What I am talking of is the incessant voices of the right, the robert kagans, the kristols, the michael ledbeedens, the melanie phillps, the barbara lerners, the anne coulters, the children of the neo con agenda that has captured the policies of the "free world."
Last night on Lateline a Canadian neo con supporter brought us into the world of the neo-con jihadist, a world of perpetual war leading to..well, its hard to say....lets just label it as Mark Steyn did, a creatively distablised place.
The reality is that Syria is at war with its neighbours anyway. Since 2003 it has sent large numbers of so-called insurgents over the Iraqi border. I was up on that border not long after the war. It is a line in the sand.Its true, it is just a line in the sand, the border post is a lonely little outcrop in the midst of a searing desert, but the idea that "large numbers" are crossing to fight is simply a fantasy to justify and de-iraqify the ongoing war. We are not fighting Iraqi's, they greeted us "with chocolates and flowers", despite the fact that of all the "insurgents" killed, even the most optimistic, skewed US military report has stated that les than 5% are of foriegn birth, and the majority have come from Saudi Arabia and Jordan, but lets not mention that we should perhaps be invading those country's, if the logic is to be followed.
For one thing, Hezbollah is massively popular in Lebanon"Lets still think of the Lebanese as Iranian or Syrian, despite their popularity. That way we can justify using them as human sheilds for our political ends.
MS: In a sense, the problem for Israel and for America and Australia and the United Kingdom and all of the countries involved in this present conflict is that we're not really very good at, as we see from the way Hezbollah manages to manipulate publicity in the West, we're not very good at fighting pinpoint targeted wars against terrorist groups. Actually knocking off a Syrian dictator with a regular army and Air Force would be much easier for Western powers to do.Could it be that we are not very good at engaging peoples with different ideas from our own, and that because the chicken-hawks have led a successful coup against american foriegn policy that the only option considered is military. Lets just admit that the near complete failure of the far right to demonstrate that thier ideas have any practical validity, and a near universal failure in what they predict will happen to the reality of a situation, bankrupts their claims to predict future outcomes, especially when it comes to the folly of thier wars. If the best you can say is that creative instalibity will lead to "something other than what it is today", arent you just throwing your hands in the air and hoping that what you are saying will be, over the bodies of thousands of civilians, and be damned if their opinion on thier countries should clash with your right to a failed ideology. Should a radical experiment in political thought be allowed to be carried on with other peoples lives, didnt we condemn Mao for doing the same or Pol Pot?
The stakes in the world we live in are nuclear war. We're living with the fact of a nuclearised Middle East. That's the issue. The issue that has really been on the table since September 11th is that the so-called stable Middle East in which so many people have invested has been a disaster. It's been a disaster for the people in that region and it's been a disaster for people all over the world. You know, 3,000 people died in the United States because the so-called stability of the Middle East reached out and destabilised the twin towers in New York. The Middle East has to change.Condi Rices mushroom cloud appears yet again to strain credibilty, we now have the attacks upon the world trade towers linked to Iran (wasnt it Iraq just a few short years ago), with an atomic bomb (but Israel are the only ones in the middle east with that weapon) and a new version of the long discredited domino theory, the Caliphate Theory.
the reality is the pan-Islamist identity is already on the rise in the Middle East. This is in a way Israel's first non-Arab war. It's not a war between Israel and Arabs. It's a war between Israel and Persian proxies and not just the Shiites in Lebanon, but Sunni young men in Jordan and Sunni young men in Egypt have decided that in fact the pan-Islamist identity promoted by Tehran - President Ahmadinejad is the new strong horse of the region, as Osama bin Laden put it - that that is actually more appealing to them. In effect, they already have the problem. They're already at war with this Islamist identity. I don't believe, by the way, that is the regime that would be the successor regime in Damascus, but it is still worth taking on.throw in Osama bin Laden as a link to justify anything you like, if Osama made a pronouncement on milk, could we then kill cows for their links to world of terror, has a single man hiding in a cave inspired so much fear in such far flung places in history? Before the current Iraq fiasco, Saddam was the link to world wide terror, (before him Quaddafi, before him, Nasser, or Mao, or Kruschev or Noriega or the Sandinistas), the proxy to be found behind all terror from tibet to the west bank to Acheh to the basque counties of spain, now we just use the same language and ideas to paint whoever is the hitler of the day as the root cause of all that is wrong with others ideology, as ours is clearly one of utmost and unassailable perfection, so self evident that we should do everything to avoid looking at its outcomes lest it become less than self evident. It seems that now that the Pope has abdicated the role of infallibility, the neo-cons feel free to crown themselves with it, Gallileos of the world beware, Gitmo awaits.
The reality of the pan-islamist identity is that it has always been there, the Muslim Brotherhood was formed in 1928, and the same weasily excuse could have been used at any point since with as much truth. One fact overlooked is that each time a potential political victory could have been gained through the ballot box by groups claiming an Islamic identity, or even just a broad based popular identity thoughout the Arab world, we in the West have crushed and overthrown the government, from Tehran in 1954 (?) to algeria to to Eygpt to iraq (several times) and supported whoever could fulfil our polical wishes, surely this is the basis for the distrust of the wests motives today, not a few words from an Iranian president.
And why is everyone in each seperate country treated as though it were an amorphous mass, a congealed prism though which we transmit a Shiite leaders word across the gulf though a dozen different countries, regardless of religious base or ethnicity. Persians take great offence at being called arabs, and arabs do not in any sense consider themselves to be Persians, only we do that, and we do it on a daily basis in formulating complex foriegn policy actions.
"Iran has never been a conventional nation state, as we understand it. The Ayatollah Khamenei always saw the revolution as speaking for Muslims all over the world"The domino theory as expressed as the Caliphate theory, it takes a fevered mind to believe this, a few marginal extemists in the muslim world use this theroy, yet we paint it as a world wide plot instigated by all muslims. Please, I know that the Protocols of Zion are forgeries, why cant we see this entire theory as equally as bogus, yet Rumsfeld and Cheny et al all push it as the basis for their actions. How many lies do you need to be told before you expose the liar. Melanie Phillips in the UK sells thousands of books telling dumbass brits that their country will soon be under sharia law? What the fuck? Will you believe anything without even the hint of a question? Fuck!!!
MARK STEYN: I think what you have to do - I think there are things that the Administration should be doing more seriously, and that is destabilising Iran from within. Everyone talks about Iraq - the Sunni triangle is this quarter of Iraq that's caused all of this trouble. It is full of bombs. American troops can't walk around there. Why is it not possible for the hyperpower to in effect give Iran a Sunni triangle of its own? There's a Sunni minority in that country, why can't you destabilise that part of Iran? Why can the administration not funnel huge amounts of money, just walking around money, to get the Iranian request discontent that the people have with their rulers, just to get that a bit more motivated and a bit better equipped? There are all sorts of things that can be done.
TONY JONES: That's like then doing what you are accusing Iran of, which is using proxies to fight a war? MARK STEYN: Yes. TONY JONES: The Iranians are using Hezbollah in Lebanon.So the answer is the same one Regan used for Afghanistan, how did that work out? The Taliban, 9/11, a country in ruins, a thousand militias ruling a thousand mini-narco states and a war we are still fighting, and ignoring by turns, thirty years after the Russians were baited into invading by the US. The obvious answer to any question is simply to throw in lots of guns and hope that the outcome will distract us from any other course, the US perfected this style in Vietnam, it was known as "50 calibre recon", spray the area ahead of you with bullets and then pass through safely, listen to the reports coming from IDF troops in Lebanon, they do the same. Lets just say it doesnt endear you to the locals when you pass by, to see it in all its glory, watch Black Hawk Down and count the Somali dead, play a drinking game, one side has to sip a beer for each Somali Killed, the other has to down a double shot for each american, see who falls over first, bet its the Somali sided drinker.
The reality is this war is on. The fact of the matter is this war - the Iranians blew up a community centre in Buenos Aires 10 years ago. A couple of Iranian Cabinet ministers were directly indicted for that. You think about that. Cabinet ministers are directing the bombing of community centres in Buenos Aires on the other side of the world. With the best will in the world, even if you are sympathetic to the Palestinian problem as anyone. Buenos Aires doesn't have a lot to do with it. If you get up in the morning and go to a community centre in Buenos Aires, you don't expect to be blown up by Iranians. The fact of the matter is they have always acted ex-territorially and this crisis in Lebanon is just another example of that.Utter crap, many years after the bombing an ex iranian diplomat was arrested in the UK and charged at the request of the Argentine government, his case was thrown out for lack of evidence, Hezzbollah have denied involvement and not one shred of proof has ever been given to link them to the crime. Israel and the US are the ones pressing the allegations, but conspiracy theorists belive that Argentian President Carlos Menhim was behind it, with as much proof to back them up. How much shit there is to these arguments can be measured in the tonnes of methane it produces. We go to war in the middle east, kill thousands, because of a bombing in 1994 in south america????? What the fuck?
We do have to brace ourselves for decades of violence anyway, so we might as well at least try and direct where and when it occurs because the present stability, another 25 years of the ayatollahs another 30 years of Mubarak and 70 years of the House of Saud. It's not a question of what the Middle East will look like after that, but what the world will look like after that.We brace for the violence that we directly cause. Mubarak is our creature, the House of Saud is our invention from the last time we threw bombs up in the air in the Middle east and tried to figure out how and where they would land. How did that go? I know the fuckwit Steyn is a bit of a comedian, like that howlingly bad laugh riot Anne Coulter, but he is representing ideas that are found in the neo-cons world view and being acted upon by the hubris laden scum at Bush summer camp.
Meanwhile to broaden the agenda, former Israeli Pm Netanyahu, gives the most paranoid expression of his countries wish list to the world on the ABC's PM last night
I think a lot of people don't get it. Just the way they didn't get it in the '30s.
This isn't a war between Hezbollah and Israel alone. Hezbollah doesn't last two days without Iran and the waystation Syria, the other patron. (thats funny, with all roads, bridges, airports either destroyed or cut off and the sea blockaded, after three weeks of constant IDF pounding Hezzbollah show no signs of even weakening. Remeber Olmert promised a nice two week war at the start.)
Why is Hezbollah attacking Israel? It is not attacking it for any demonstrable grievance. It is attacking it, so says it's chief Nasrallah, to eliminate the state of Israel - pure and simple.I think in the 1930s when you saw build-up of German armaments by a mad ideology that seeks to conquer Europe, you should prepare for it. And if that didn't pre-empt it, and that was the worst mistake that was done. Six million of my people were burnt to death because… incinerated in the death camps because nobody prepared for the war, nobody pre-empted in time.Clear blue sky theory combined with the Hitler Meter, the Appeasment Quantum of the Irrational and the Caliphate all in one.
Now how 6,000 Hezzbollah fighters are going to invade and conquer Israel, I am not sure, they must be bigger, taller and more terrifying than Saddams twenty metre tall Republican guards who threatened to invade down town Idaho in 2003 (same monsters whose giant footprints can be found all over Kuwait, these guys were feared just for breathing in the wrong direction, it was known to cause hurricanes) .
Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran, who's the puppeteer here, says that he is building a nuclear weapons program. ....during the G8 conference, these kidnappings of soldiers were timed by Hamas, his other proxy, and Hezbollah, under his direct commandOh god, now Hamas is Iranian and Iran is stating what it has continuously not stated.
BN: They're saying, "Israel is the first stop, we'll use Hezbollah part of the way, but we intend to launch nuclear weapons once we have them on Israel. We deny the Holocaust existed, but we're preparing the new Holocaust." And they're also saying, this is the first step in their reconquest or the reestablishment of a resurgent Islam under Shi'ite Iran.
Now you may dismiss that. Just the way people dismiss the funny little man in the 1930s, and they said, "Oh, it's not important. He's a little crazy." They're not a little crazy. They're a lot crazy.
But they mean what they say. They see this problem, this World War III that they are conducting on all of us in their madness. To see this is as a problem of prisoner swaps is ridiculous.A fox news special, if the IDF bombs Lebanon and Gaza, the rest of the world should instantly bomb Tehran and Damascus. No question the hawks in Israel love their diplomacy US made and funded, laser guided and dropped from 3000 ft.
But, I give my support for the Government for the goal of what they established, the goal that they set out to do, which is to remove this missile threat, as much as President Kennedy removed the missile threat from neighbouring Cuba. And that was a potential missile threat. Those missiles didn't actually rain down on American cities.How did he remove the threat? Through diplomacy, sure backed up with threats, but firstly and foremost, with diplomacy. Not a single person was injured during the filming of the Cuban Crisis, not a single refugee was strafed escaping their home, not a single amublance had a missile punched through its roof. You see, Kennedy had a phoneline and direct communication with Kruschev and a political solution was found, the US pulled its nuclear missiles out of Turkey and the USSR pulled its out of Cuba. Perhaps Benjamin has found the answer, realistic compromise on basic issues, not high blown rhetorical bullshit, gross lies, distortion and bombs.
another death of a thousand cuts in the whitehouse:http://www.insightmag.com/Media/MediaManager/Condi4.htmMs. Rice's biggest supporter has been Brent Scowcroft, who served under the first Bush administration as national security advisor. Sources said Mr. Scowcroft, regarded as Ms. Rice's mentor, has been sending messages to his friends in Congress and the White House that U.S. support for the Israeli war could jeopardize relations with Gulf oil suppliers, particularly Saudi Arabia.
"A comprehensive peace settlement would not only defang the radicals in Lebanon and Palestine, and their supporters in other countries, it would also reduce the influence of Iran -- the country that, under its current ideology, poses the greatest potential threat to stability in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan," Mr. Scowcroft wrote in a column in the Washington Post on July 30.
The sources said Mr. Bush's position has been supported by Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and to a lesser extent National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley. They have urged the president to hold off international pressure and give Israel more time to cause strategic damage to Hezbollah as well as Iranian and Syrian interests in Lebanon.
"I think if you think of what's happening in Lebanon and Israel right now, you see the face of the beginning of the 21st century," Mr. Rumsfeld said in a radio interview on Aug. 2.http://www.thebushagenda.net/