Wednesday, October 24, 2007

islamofacist week: celebrate by blowing up your choice of religious establishment

While I don't have time for this shit this week, what with my permanent hardon due to the election, my 23/7 news obsession and more work than jesus at the annual las vegas leper convention, there are a couple of things I couldn't let go, one the ever entertaining serial fabricator and fox news harridan, david horowitz, the other, the Australians ever so fucked up editorial on David Hicks

ALLEGATIONS that US Vice-President Dick Cheney intervened to speed up the processing of David Hicks's trial following a meeting with John Howard during his visit to Australia in February have spurred a predictably hypocritical response from the Hicks cheer squad. Hicks's supporters repeatedly attacked the federal Government for not doing enough to bring Hicks home.

So doing a secret deal, behind the shield of a what was reported (purported) to be a "fair trial" after five years in Gitmo, which the PM denies, fixing a sentence with the vice president to both gag hicks and have him complete a sentence after the election, in direct contravention of the idea of a fair trial, rather than a mere political show trial is somehow construed as anything other than complete bullshit?

Getup executive director Brett Solomon is complaining about political interference and demanding a judicial inquiry.

Jesus if the allegation is in any way true, it deserves more than an inquiry, it demands charges.

While there is no doubt that Hicks's detention and trial went on longer than desirable, no one should forget that Hicks's confession and abundant independent evidence, including his letters, showed that he gave material support to al-Qa'ida, which he joined because he wanted to bring down Western civilisation and that he had trained to use violent means to achieve those ends.

Abundant evidence? Hicks "confession" would not have stood up in any court the Australian has ever been subjected to and the idea that he wanted to "bring down western civilization" is more than a long stretch of any bow, the Australian's owner, Old Rupe, is more in line with that overly emotive pile of utter shit.

In letters to his father, Hicks said the brutal Taliban regime, which executed women in public for crimes such as adultery and forbade girls over the age of eight from attending school, was "the best in the world".

Hicks may have been (well, was really) a complete dickhead for supporting the Taliban, our allies the Saudis, and numerous other of our allies in the war on terror, do the same to a more or lessor degree. Should we jail all expats who've worked in these countries be placed in prison for "bringing down the west".

However flawed Hicks's detention and trial were, there is no doubt that he fared better than Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped in Pakistan in February 2002 and beheaded by al-Qa'ida's third in command, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who is held in Guantanamo Bay.

Apart from the fact that Kalid Shaik confessed to just about every crime to have been committed in the past three hundred years, after many years of torture at the hands of GW Bushes instruments, are we now holding the US to the same standard as that of a notorious terrorist? Have we sunk that low, sure you may have been tortured, murdered or falsely imprisoned, but at least we did it to you, not some other guy in a mud hut, we have a constitution, he just has a knife. To stoop to a level six floors below the gutter to justify your actions surely condemns your actions as totally debased. And didn't one or more "terrorists" already confess to the killing of Daniel Pearl? Or can you just pick and choose your confessions depending upon how you want to frame a factually challenged argument.

Hicks also fared better than his fellow al-Qa'ida trainee, John Walker Lindh, who as a US citizen was more speedily tried in 2002 and received a 20-year sentence for serving with the Taliban and carrying weapons.

Lindh pled guilty, was given no opportunity to go to trial, merely his sentencing, which his father wants revisited, chiefly because of the Hicks verdict. As happened in the Lodi farce, Lindh was basically given the option of buckley's and none, stay, be tortured, be a pawn in the Bushies War on Terror for an indefinite term or confess and get it all out of the way for the tranquility of 20 years in a prison where you at least have a modicum of rights on your home soil. The lindh matter needs a complete review, not this sloppy self serving shit from the Australian.

It is time for Hicks's cheer squad to face up to his ugly crimes and recognise that enough public money has been spent on delivering justice to a man who was dedicated to violently overthrowing our system of justice.

Hicks ugly crimes were by any admission on the lowest rung possible or the terror totem, and if the claims are true about our PM and Cheney fixing the outcome, then surely no amount of money should be spared in getting to the truth of how two politicians can so brazenly use the justice system for their own political end. The system of justice the Australian so brazenly claims to be upholding in its editorial is neutered and rendered obsolete to political whims, and that is surely at the heart of why we need eternal vigilance, not the tripe dished up by this supposed bastion of whatever fuking values it feels like holding up. An inquiry should be the least we expect.,25197,22637955-25209,00.html

Extreme Right wing nutbags who give extreme right wing nutjobs a bad name:

No. 1 - david horowitz

During the week of October 22-26, 2007, the nation will be rocked by the biggest conservative campus protest ever – Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, a wake-up call for Americans on 200 university and college campuses.

The purpose of this protest is as simple as it is crucial: to confront the two Big Lies of the political left: that George Bush created the war on terror and that Global Warming is a greater danger to Americans than the terrorist threat.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

pole dancing

Thursday, October 18, 2007

the communist manifesto: day five, its gonna be a looooong six weeks

Peter Costello in his younger days
(with thanks to ms fits)
1977. Third from right is Michael Danby, now Labor MP for Melbourne Ports. Far left - no pun intended - is the gentleman currently being groomed as the next leader of the Australian Liberal party.


"The greens, you know they are like watermelons, green on the outside and red on the inside" - who ever that watery stool was in charge of the Ol Boy Country Network, the Nationals, in 2004 election
"We are talking about her involvement as a union lawyer and as an organiser for the Socialist Forum - the Socialist Forum which was an extreme Left-Wing group," he said.

"a front for the communists"

I know that the australian peoples are sure easy spooked, (just mention their wallets or their mortgage and they run like your holding photos of them molesting korean orphans), but really, who the hell is scared of a communist uprising in Montmerency or even that hotbed of government Pork, Eden Monaro. Do communists even get into the top 1000 threats these days?

Peter Costello,
Working Hard to Stay Out of Touch

I thought Fat Hack PR fucks who flip flop like dying fish are irrelevant.

"We are not for the turning on IR" Joe Hockey, on Workchoices, a few weeks before doing a 180 and completely changing the IR laws, or at the very least changing the window dressing before they get re-elected.

"We have no plans to change the IR laws if we win officce again." PR Hack, Joe H. yesterday.

How long will that last Jolly fat fuck Joe Hockey? Key word here is "plans", this just means that they will change them, they just dont have anything written on the back of postage stamps yet.

Former James Hardie employee Bernie Banton says he takes exception to that, and says Mr Hockey is irrelevant.

"Where was Joe Hockey when we were fighting against James Hardie, he was nowhere to be seen?" he said.

"Without their [the union's] support and their absolute total commitment to getting that deal done, we would not have a deal for all those thousands of future victims."

CHRIS UHLMANN: Minister, how do you think the life of a worker would be now, if unions had not emerged from the dark satanic mills of Victorian England?

JOE HOCKEY: Well, I think unions have played an important role in Australia's economic development…

CHRIS UHLMANN: And that role is now over?

JOE HOCKEY: Well, essentially it is over.

So Hockey admits that the $121 million spent on anti-union workchoices answer was a waste of taxpayer money? Afterall, why would anyone listen to a campaign from an "irrelevant" body whose time is finished?

Howard endorses most dangerous drug in Australia when questioned on other drugs. Raises serious questions about Christophers Pynes obsession.

"We had to stop glamorising these "damned drugs" by calling them party drugs or recreational drugs", he thundered

"Why, they deserved the sort of stigma now attached to tobacco."

"I'm not criminalising tobacco and I'm not planning to." PM J. Howard

In yet another brewing scandal

PM Howard endorses taking money from corrupt businessmen, not caring that the money has been stolen from the public and many, many small and large businesses.

Mr Pratt donated $200,000 to the Liberal Party last year, but Mr Howard says there is no plan for it to be returned.

CITRUS grower Keith Milne reckons the price-fixing of cardboard boxes has been costly for him and other small players.

And extra costs are the last thing the grower from Nangiloc, south of Mildura, needs with a farm afflicted by drought and an uncertain future. MFC had a 22 per cent increase in prices over three years.

Howard gets candidate's name wrong: is it alzhemiers?
Do you even remember the questions anymore PM?

PRIME Minister John Howard has made an embarrassing slip while campaigning in Queensland, getting wrong the first name of the Liberal candidate challenging Kevin Rudd in his Brisbane seat.
After being introduced to the audience, Mr Howard thanked his host and then said: "Can I also acknowledge the presence of two of my colleagues, one of them of course is a member of the medical profession Dr Andrew Laming, who is of course the federal member for Bowman, and Scott Thomas, the federal Liberal candidate for the seat of Griffith."
The federal Liberal candidate's name is Craig Thomas. Mr Thomas was also wearing a T-shirt bearing his name.

In the world of the bushies the truth will certainly set you free

Three days after Americans saw the Bush administration's counterterrorism chief say the Iraq war has likely not made the United States safer from terrorism, the official announced his resignation, citing health reasons.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

questions for the drug fueled pyne

Could Mr Pynes fixation on drugs and abusing young children for political gain be behind the reason for the girl on the rights need for a wheelchair? Some people have speculated that the drugs found in Ben Cousins car were planted by Mr Pynes in retaliation for the "outing" of the Grand Mufti of Ponces dark, hideous secrets?

Will the Grand Mufti answer these pertinent questions or will he hide behind the cloak of parliamentary privilege and the snide retort of "no comment" forever. Holding ministers accountable is hardly the first port of call for any of Howards accident prone, forgetful bench, these days "i don't recall" spread over a dozen different weaselly ways is the new liberal slogan. Well mr Pyne, O grand ponce, did the drugs that many speculate you have an obsession with contribute to the memory failures of Mr Vaile, Mr Downer and PM Howard when they were forced by subpeaona to appear before Howards Little Bitch, Terrence Cole at the AWB Scandal Whitewash?

The Grand Mufti makes many unsubstantiated claims behind the legal shield of parliament, the woman in the picture above with a clearly "unusually" happy Mr Pyne, is stated by the ponce to be a maternal relation. This raises many more questions than it answers, such as will Mr Pyne undergo a DNA test to finally establish the truth in this sordid matter or will we need to go searching through FOI and neutral subcommittees to get the full, frank and shocking details? Is this in fact the woman who was seen in the car with Ben Cousins on the afternoon of his arrest? Did this woman give her permission to be used in such a blatant politically charge manner on the eve of a federal election, certainly his website and evasive answers offer nothing concrete other than his own words to bolster what could be a typically partisan smear against an innocent elderly woman. Don't forget that the Grand Mufti himself has stated that he is too damned busy conning his local electorate and way too young and adorable to be seen with the elderly, and yet we have this possibly photo shopped image of the him with this ancient piece of flesh.

As with all that is the Howard Government, the truth will be subsumed beneath a parsed legalese response requiring a QC's paycheck to discover. Tampa and the AWB scandal could well seem like mere lead based children's toys when this brouhaha is unleashed from its tangled web of possible and potential deceit.


Day Four of the election campaign with little to show 4 the day besides a few minor foaming moments of Janet Albrechtsen's usual rabid anti-Labor shite, but then the Australian is not exactly noted for anything besides unflinching support for anything our wretched PM does. Hows this for grasping at straws, the headline "PM's stock rises on IR, economy", which when you read the article reveals that "In the latest Newspoll survey, Labor support on the issue of industrial relations was 47 per cent compared with the Coalition's 34 per cent. " Hows that for a bullshit headline, after spending $121 million on IR ads, the PM is still a very long way behind on one of his supposed strengths. Add that to this:

According to the latest Newspoll survey, conducted last weekend before the start of the election campaign, Labor has kept clear leads over the Coalition on the issues rated most important to voters - health and Medicare, water planning, education and the environment. Labor also led the Coalition on the handling of the environment, welfare and industrial relations. Labor has traditionally kept ahead of the Coalition on most of these issues in most surveys, and has slightly lifted its overwhelming lead on social issues by two points to 51 per cent to the Coalition's 28 per cent.

and you wonder about the rational behind the subs need to appeal to Rupert for his paycheck.

Costello stumped by mortgage claim

Quoting from a 2007 Econtech report, the website says Labor's industrial relations policy will push interest rates 1.4 per cent higher than they are today.
"This means working families will have to pay an extra $273 every month on their mortgage repayments," it says.
But asked by a journalist to explain such figuring, Mr Costello didn't have an answer.
"I would have to go and look at what's on the website, and if I do I'll give you the information," Mr Costello told a media conference in Melbourne."
Asked again how the government could say that mortgages were going up by such an exact figure, Mr Costello said: "You have asked me to have a look at it and see how it adds up. I'll have a look at it and see how it adds up."

John Howards Friends abuse children with the PM's full endorsement (as long as they keep the money rolling in)

"To treat children in that way is abusive of them, and it's psychologically very damaging to the child. It's in effect telling the child that their parent is worthless … and that really is quite unacceptable."

US Prison Culture: the No 1 Prison nation on earth

One-third of the departing officers were fired for poor performance, falsification of applications or inappropriate conduct, including physical abuse of detainees.

“They get paid about the same as a Wal-Mart employee for a dangerous job that most people don’t want to do,” said Scott Henson, founder of Grits for Breakfast, a criminal justice blog. “So they have had to reach deeper and deeper into the bottom of the barrel.”

Juvenile detainees as young as 13 years old slept on filthy mats in dormitories with broken, overflowing toilets and feces smeared on the walls. Denied outside recreation for weeks at a time, they ate bug-infested food, did school work that consisted of little more than crossword puzzles and defecated in bags.

Don Sorgman and Terri Bruce say their 17-year-old son has been beaten by other inmates and pepper-sprayed by guards.

After months of glowing state reports, the squalid conditions were disclosed on Oct. 1 by state inspectors at the Coke County Juvenile Justice Center in Bronte. They are another sign of the deep disarray of the Texas Youth Commission, the nation’s second-largest, after Florida’s, and most troubled juvenile corrections agency.


The War on Terror in all its hypocritical, vile, bloodstained truth.

"by any means at our disposal" dick cheney

the twisted joke that is The War

Bush, Cheney and the US justice department have all used this case to bolster the image of thier dirty war, remember the front page claims about the Sears Tower just about to be blown to a million smithereens by a gang of homegrown terrorists on the eve of another vote in congress re: enhancing the terror laws. Remember how they turned out to be a bunch of quacky semi-christians with no access to anything except a paid FBI informant and that all except one of the defendants had never been outside their own city. Well:

Earlier Thursday, Assad testified that Batiste provided a detailed list of gear the group wanted, including machine guns, bulletproof vests, sport utility vehicles, motorcycles and $50,000 in cash. He said Batiste sought dynamite to destroy the 110-story Sears Tower.

Attorneys for Batiste and the others have said they never intended to mount a terrorist attack and that they went along with the FBI informants only to attempt to extort money from them.

Assad assured Batiste that he was a legitimate al-Qaida representative and the two informants were driven back to Miami unharmed.

the future of the war under the republicans:

JAMES "SPIDER" MARKS, MAJOR GENERAL, U.S. ARMY (RET.): I'd stick a knife in somebody's thigh in a heartbeat.

At the GOP debate in May, Romney surprised a lot of people -- and drew applause from his audience -- when he said: "Some people have said, we ought to close Guantanamo. My view is, we ought to double Guantanamo."

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

john howards new teeth: you've never had it so lumpy

C'mon Australia, lets do a Lance on the boil that is John Howard

Ps Dick Pratt, the carlton tradition of corruption in its CEO's continues.

Christopher Pyne, grand mufti of ponce, pictured here abusing the trust of young children, maybe giving them dangerous drugs or at least instructions on how to get them.

This truly despised plaything of the extreme right, who has admitted being just to damned young and pretty for his portfolio of minister for the ageing, has so far refused to deny that this is his "pussy posse" or that if re-elected he would sell these kids into slavery or force them to work as droogs for the extreme christian cult of the exclusive brethren.

However The Grand Mufti does have an unhealthy interest in drugs and men in tight shorts, willingly and frequently appearing in any form of the media to discuss this habit of his. With this form should he be allowed within fifty feet of a school playground? I wouldn't despise him so much if it weren't for the fact that he is the ultimate parrot of dark ideologies, the like of which he neither understands nor is willing to admit to, publicly. Voted by me to the liberal party hack most to likely to "go out walking the dog" when sitting at home with his trophy wife and trophy children. If he had and original idea, it would have fled in loneliness many years ago. File under: complete twats and brazenly rapacious fuckwits.


Woke this morning to the news that the Labor Party were shocked, stunned and in total disarray over our weaselly PM's tax bribe, then I read the same in all the papers, all this on the back of the Libs declaring that if Rudd didn't present an alternative tax plan in the next 12 minutes they might as well just pack up and declare the election forfeit.

But Opposition treasury spokesman Wayne Swan said Labor would not be bullied into releasing its tax policy prematurely. "We need to look at the package in total. We are not going to be rushed by the government or be bullied or pushed around," Mr Swan told ABC Radio.
"This is a very important election campaign. There is a lot at stake here so it is very important for us to take our time."

Sound like panic in the face of government whines? Not really, just more bullshit masquerading as facts from the libs. The fact is that the Libs have had the full weight of treasury behind them and the newly released fiscal data showing a greater than expected surplus (and don't get me started on just how right treasury has been on their "forecasts", sylvia brown has a better hit rate), and the libs have clearly been working with these numbers for some time, or why would they be able to produce a complete policy in less than ten minutes after treasury released the figures.

Then again, as pope muncher Tony Abbott admitted this morning after the ABC did an FOI request on advice he had received about the Mersey hijacking, the Libs and the PM have spent all year writing their policy in a few seconds on the run and on the back of postage stamps, giving special weight to the likelihood of photo ops over good governance.

the extreme christian right
loved by the Liberals

How many commandments did this committed christian break last night?

"I was in Canberra and I greeted Mr Howard and inquired from him whether Mr Hales could meet him for a short discussion," Mr John's statement reads.

The ease of access contrasts with that of the former president of the Uniting Church, Dean Drayton. Dr Drayton said he had tried on about four occasions to arrange meetings with the PM both as president of his church, and representative of the National Council of Churches, which represents 4 million people. He sought meetings on subjects such as asylum seekers and WorkChoices, but "there was no real response from the Prime Minister's department".

ABC's Four Corners has claimed that a front company for members of the group has funded advertisements supporting the Liberal Party and smearing its opponents.

Mr Hales said the group had not acted illegally.He said allegations that there was a coordinated campaign by the Brethren to move large sums of cash around the world in breach of Australian laws was “completely false”.

“Some Brethren carry gifts of cash to distribute to persons engaged in furthering the work of the Lord and none of this money is gifted for or related to political campaigns.

Then again despite an enormous amount of evidence to the contrary, the Brethren also deny having ever spent a dime or lifted a finger to influence the outcome of any elections. Pure PR bullshit, deny, deny, deny, then when struck in the face with the proof, deny it outright until a court decides, then dispute the outcome with the charge that you are being persecuted. All the while you will have scumbags like Liberal Hack Eric Abetz throwing around charges that fascists and Nazi's are the only ones interested in this "attack on religious freedom."

This is not about religious freedoms, this is purely a matter of transparency in our political system, no one has stated in any way that this group has anything but the right to hold whatever fucked up, screwed in sideways, mix and match old testament views it wants. However when the group breaks electoral laws it is a matter for all to be concerned about, my right to a free and fair election trumps your ten commandments in a democracy.

"Mr Howard has a responsibility to level with the Australian public," Mr Rudd said.

When a cult infiltrates the political system and plays foul for one side while receiving millions in tax payer subsidies and has such access to the leader of the nation, we are entitled, at the very least to question and demand answers from our squirming toad of a PM. How much are the Libs getting from a cult which flat out denies giving anything at all? What role did their access to the top tier of the Libs play in their ability to get around discrimination laws? What has the government done to audit a registered charity that has been involved in flouting the laws regarding blatant electioneering for the Libs? None of these things in any way involves freedom of religion, all are simply the result of the interplay of the necessity for a democracy to be fair and transparent, and that none shall be above the law simply because they are major contributors to the government of the day.

The call is on the PM to explain, fully and frankly, but how often do weasels not act weaselly, its just not in their nature is it?


Lessons in history

When the British Empire withdrew from Iraq in the 1930's after a disastrous 15 year occupation, they simply declared that their mission was accomplished and promptly left leaving behind an unholy mess that was no different to any moment of the previous 15 years. As a side note, the dick Cheney statement about being greeted on the streets of Bagdhad with "chocolates and flowers" came from this foreign policy fiasco when the Brits were indeed greeted with chocolate's and flowers in their initial march into the capital. They soon found the same grateful citizens were showering them with rocks and bullets, sound familiar.

Well, guess what, one of the Bushies pet generals is calling for the same approach:

Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, head of the Joint Special Operations Command’s operations in Iraq, is the chief promoter of a victory declaration and believes that AQI has been all but eliminated, the military intelligence official said.

Sure smells like victory to me, no wait that's my stinky feet.\2007-10-15\kurd2.htm

Monday, October 15, 2007

Glowing Bullshit: you decide at long last

Scientists confirms John Howard walked this way

Who do you trust?

A former member of the Exclusive Brethren has revealed the secretive religious sect has been transferring large sums of money across the world, possibly to fund political campaigns in Australia and the US.
Two senior elders of the Exclusive Brethren sect have gained permanent access to Federal Parliament, as lobbyists, under the sponsorship of two Howard Government MPs

must watch for the night, 4 Corners on the Exclusive Brethren and its links to Greens smears and the liberal party.

LBJ on opponent in a senatorial race: Spread the rumour that he fucks pigs.

Aid to LBJ: but there's no truth to it.

LBJ: I know I just want to see the headlines in the papers when the bastard denys it.

Is Rupert M going in to bat for the Libs, the Australian has been running hard to link K. Rudd to this, the first smear campaign of the election.

The disclosure by former John Oxley Youth Centre teacher Karen Mersiades undermines claims the alleged victim was denied justice in a conspiracy involving Kevin Rudd to cover up the crime.

Day one minute one
and the cash starts flowing-
can you be bribed? again....
Costello plans on giving you $34 billion dollars in tax cuts
you apparently want better education, better hospitals, lower interest rates and maybe something to do with climate change that doesn't involve turning off your giant plasma, but you don't want to pay for it, in fact you want the government to pay you for the privilege.
is there a disconnect between what people want and what people think they deserve and what it is that they can get. As the saying goes, if you cant have your cake and eat it too, why the hell did you order the cake?
But back to my original point, $34 billion on the first day? I do believe that treasury warned that excessive election spending will lead to higher interest rates, so does this make the November rates rise a certainty. And after this day one splurge, will the PM now sit back and say, "look sorry, we have nothing left to say, just sit tight till election day in six weeks coz we just spent half the surplus on day one and basically cant afford to spend one more cent."
let the piggy bank break and roll on the floor in agony, coz the Pm is sure gonna be throwing cash at you, yea fucking mightily.
For the labor party the big question
can it win 16 seats?
forget the opinion polls
Queensland poll shows Labor support is not uniform across the nation.
In it, Galaxy polled 800 residents in the marginal, Liberal-held seats of Bonner, Moreton, Herbert (margin 6.2) and Longman (6.7).
a uniform swing of the magnitude of the last twelve months data is really questionable and Howard is playing the marginals, throwing cash in vast bucket loads at seats like eden monaro and that could well spell the downfall of Rudd even if he wins the support of an overwhelming number of the electorate.
remember Nobel prize winner Al Gore, he won nearly 52% of the US vote and still lost in 2000.
Peace in our times?
So what will Condi Rice and her little lap dog Tony Blair do about this, each and every time a modicum of hope emerges from the occupied territorys, the government of Israel looks towards these touchstones of violence and scuttles the attempt.
Israel will resume archaeological excavations near a Jerusalem holy site that has often been a flashpoint for violence, Israeli officials said Sunday. The decision drew Palestinian charges that Israel is trying to scuttle next month's U.S.-sponsored peace conference.

Friday, October 12, 2007

after 11 years...welcome to 1967

I cannot say sorry
for our attempts at cultural genocide
for 200 years of squatting on your land
for breaking treaties with you and your ancestors
for deliberately poisoning your children with arsenic laced flour
for the hurt and devastating harm caused by introducing
alcohol into your communities
for failing to acknowledge your existence
for failing to acknowledge
the depth, strength, diversity
of your culture
for stealing your children
for the missionaries "saving" your souls
for introducing a thousand diseases into your lives
for building carpets of concrete and asphalt
across your beautiful land
for failing to understand
the affinity we need have with this fragile country
for trying to exterminate your languages
for the languages we did exterminate
for decimating your population
by any means we deemed appropriate
for the massacres
for the murderers we let loose amongst you
for having twenty more years of life in me
because my skin is white
for all that has been lost on the rivers of time
for all that will never be recovered
from the dust
with the last breath
of your dying men
for all the pain I will never know
you have lived through
for my governments attempts
to consign your lives
to the pits of history
(health spending 2007:
urban population: $400 per year average
rural : $360 per year average
Indigenous: $200 per year average)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

fill in your race card before the election

Vote in our poll now or be deported.

So how much race baiting would you like to see from our government?

a. a lot more
b. you can never get enough can you
c. it would be unaustralian not to.

What colour skin and or nationality would you like to see denigrated/ and by how much to change your vote?

a. Asiatic, its been a while since Ive heard anyone say what I'm thinking right now. /a bit.
b. American Indians, they are so overrepresented in the Australian crime statistics, I'm surprised you haven't asked before now. /not at all, I have friends who've seen John Wayne movies
c. cyborg coloured, they will run amok and destroy our future, its in Genesis. /Totally, something must be done
d. pedophile catholic priest coloured or shonky tradesman coloured, they are colours in the new Ikea catalogue. /Im outraged and I voted on A Current Affairs polls.

Or would you rather the Andrews approach and broaden it to "by the continent"?

a/ yes
b/ lets broaden it to hemispheres
c/ Im affeared of aliens, make it universal
d/ we are all bothers and sisters under our skins, lets make it everybody
e/ is it racist to say I hate all non white people, yes, well that's the country I want banned.

Do you agree with Immigration Minister Andrews "Violence is not a part of the peacefulness and the tolerance which has been very much a value of the Australian way of life."

a/ Iraq, white Australia, reconciliation, multiculturalism as a dirty word, "we do not want those type of people in Australia", Haneef.
b/ I didn't join the National Front and One Nation for the networking possibilities.
c/ I don't care who I hit over the head with this bottle, its my right as an authentic Australian.

Should violence be a part of the peacefulness?

a/ yes
b/ no
c/ i didn't read the question.

"I'm recognising the problem. Many people have recognised the problem," Mr Andrews said.

a/ Im a recognised problem.

b/ besides you, name them.

c/ I saw it in a shop window and would have bought it, but they only had it in black.

"I'm not proposing to apologise for saying what people are concerned about" Andrews.

a/ he says what I'm thinking before Ive even thought it
b/ he says what he's thinking even before he's thought about it.
c/ I have a noose and a white hood, wheres my rights. I'm voting Liberal now, as we speak.

Should verifialble "facts" be apart of any statement made by a Goverment Minister?

a/ Whose side are you on muthafucker, its time to chose, I bow down before my jewish overlords, they rule the world.
b/ Ive done perfectly well without these so called "facts" that you speaks off, thank you very much.
c/ facts shmacks, where have facts ever gotten us.
d/ Im a christian, I believe in talking snakes, asses, shrubs and that the world is flat, anything else is a work of communists or the devil or asians looking to swamp us with thier voodoo jive. Oppose me and I shall smite thee.
e/ Is that legal?


Spot the headline from these simple facts

Last night, according to the Victoria Police, in and around Melbourne and its glorious leafy suburbs three attacks occurred on police officers by "gangs of youths".

Two of the "gangs of youths" were white.

One of the "gangs of youths" were of African origin.

now guess which assault made the headlines in today's papers.....

go on its pretty simple:

need a clue...

two of the attacks are not reported at all, anywhere in the mainstream media.,21985,22567071-661,00.html

et al....

of course you don't.

The degree of underlying racism in Australia can now be directly measured through the polls, during the next polling session, lets see if and by how much they move towards those playing the race card. If there is a bump in the Howard direction, of any significance, you know that is the percentage of the population that will vote for the colour of your skin and not for the person. I'm sure awaiting that shame.


Edward de Bono eat your heart out award for the best piece of lateral thinking:

Fox News' The Beltway Boys, co-host and Weekly Standard executive editor Fred Barnes

You know, I've thought for a long time that Obama's not in quite as strong a position on the war in Iraq as he really thinks he is. Remember, when he famously came out against the war, it was back in a time when the entire world believed that Saddam Hussein in Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, that he would probably be willing to use them himself at some time or pass them along to terrorists who would use them. And yet, Barack Obama was against going to the war at that point. I don't think that shows that he is very strong on national security, which he needs to be. But that argument's not going to be used against him in the Democratic primaries. It would, however, by Republicans in a general election.

despite my natural hatred of the welsh, one of them, a police officer (or a whole bunch of police as it is a group report) is making the eminently sensible suggestion on drugs policy.

"We are absolutely delighted at Mr Brunstrom’s paper. The Chief Constable has displayed great leadership and imagination in very publicly calling for a drug policy that replaces the evident failings of prohibition with a legal system of regulation and control for potentially dangerous drugs”.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

white dopes on punk

Spent part the morning searching for a book that I couldn't find, so onto the net I go.

What we need a branch of in oz, william upski wimsats, league of pissed off voters.

join up now bitches. It ain't all good, it ain't all perfect, in fact, its just like you.

if not try and track down one the most important books written in the last 20 years, Bomb The Suburbs. It ain't easy to find, but its worthwhile beyond belief. I picked up my copy in that bookstore in Brunswick st, you know the one with the window, the glass window.


I am not a racist, one...just feel the subtext

Three seniors discuss the issue of African immigration, and how the Government is dealing with it.

MALE SPEAKER TWO: The Tampa crisis at the time just highlighted what a lot of people were thinking.
MALE SPEAKER ONE: And it was a vote winner for the Howard Government. A definite vote winner. And politically, he was probably wise to use it.

I (we) are not racist two

As argument swirled around whether African, and specifically Sudanese migrants were fitting in, Seven said it had documentary evidence of Sudanese crime gangs on the rampage.

"Actually the guys fighting here are not Sudanese. That one is not Sudanese, that guy is not Sudanese.. I see only guy who’s Sudanese in a red t-shirt and he’s not doing anything.
Akoch Manheim – Director of the Sudanese Lost Boys Association of Victoria"


"We came form a war-torn place where all of us were subjected to horrible tragedies and here we have been reminded again with the death of this young man that it is still unsafe here," Mr Kuot said. "We call on the minister to apologise - Australia should be safe."

does this:
A proposed House resolution that would label as "genocide" the deaths of Armenians more than 90 years ago during the Ottoman Empire has won the support of a majority of House members, unleashing a lobbying blitz by the Bush administration and other opponents who say it would greatly harm relations with Turkey, a key ally in the Iraq war.
have anything to do with this:
"The government has given orders and instructions to the competent authorities to take all legal, economic and political measures, including a cross-border operation if necessary, to end the presence of the terrorist organisation in a neighbouring country," it said in a statement.

welcome to agent orange territory:

officials said the skeptics — who include American military and intelligence officials and European diplomats in Afghanistan — fear that any spraying of American-made chemicals over Afghan farms would be a boon to Taliban propagandists. Some of those officials say that the political cost could be especially high if the herbicide destroys food crops that farmers often plant alongside their poppies

Powerful and politically connected landowners were able to protect their crops while smaller, weaker farmers were made the targets. The eradication program was so spotty that it did little to discourage farmers from cultivating the crop, American and European officials said.

the drumbeat to war: meet the cheerleaders:


in the face of those conservatives who spend their time denouncing gays, then go out "walking the dog", the most life affirming statement of the day:

AFTER years of psychotherapy, counselling and anguished prayer, Pentecostal preacher Anthony Venn-Brown finally stood up in front of his hundreds-strong congregation and announced the truth.
He is gay.
That public declaration cost Mr Venn-Brown his wife and two daughters, his friends and his place as one of Australia's leading evangelical ministers. That was 22 years ago.

"I love being a gay man and I love who I am, and the award was a genuine, genuine honour," Mr Venn-Brown said yesterday.

in god we trust?

$1 million bill depicting President Cleveland
PITTSBURGH (AP) — Change for a million?
That's what a man was seeking Saturday when he handed a $1 million bill to a cashier at a Pittsburgh supermarket. But when the Giant Eagle employee refused and a manager confiscated the bogus bill, the man flew into a rage, police said.

The man slammed an electronic funds-transfer machine into the counter and reached for a scanner gun, police said.

Police arrested the man, who was not carrying identification and has refused to give his name to authorities. He is being held in the Allegheny County Jail.

Since 1969, the $100 bill is the largest note in circulation.

Police believe the $1 million note seized at the supermarket may have originated at a Dallas-based ministry. Last year, the ministry distributed thousands of religious pamphlets with a picture of President Grover Cleveland on a $1 million bill.


I did but see her pass by

to know that I did love her...

Friday, October 05, 2007

sounds of the barrel's bottom being scrapped

Photo taken from a gay website, Bucks knew no boundaries and was loved by all, regardless of age, sexual orientation or creed. He just was love, writ in manly flesh.

Nathan Buckley, Mighty Buckulees to those who pray at the altar of Collingwood, the one true god (may it be praised) has retired. The king is dead, long, my mistake, he is just over there. As the joint honor winner of most loved footballer and the most hated player in the league for most of his career, he has done it all with the saddest exception, playing in next years collingwood premiership.

Tears will flow and beer will ease the flood. If ever a man deserved to have a whole nation get down on its knees and kiss his muscular arse in supplication and awe, it is Nathan Buckley the man who set a standard of excellence so high, most could just reach it by poking it with a stick from the top of a rickety ladder.

One day when he is given the role of UN secretary general, peace, skill and hardness will rule the earth, but knowing just how humble the greatest individual on earth is, he will undoubtedly say "I would give it all back for that one thing I lack, a collingwood premiership"

Truer words have never been spoken, and I mean that.

279 outstanding games (plus 1 slightly less outstanding one that nobody can remember when he mistakenly played for Brisbane)
norm smith medalist
600 copeland medals
the brownlow (forever known colloquially as "The Bucks" since that night)
collingwood team of the century
captain of the greatest football club in the known and unknown universe
loved by all (if indeed hate is the reverse side of loves coin)
first ever rising star winner, thus cementing the award in history
only man in AFL history suspended for improving the looks of the ugliest man in football (Ling 2002, 1 week)
Noble Prize (world peace and tight shorts division)


reasons to disbelieve the drug war lies:

sage advice from your climate clever government:


"We don't want people like this in Australia" John Howard

"we will decide who comes here" above

After a very pleasant leafy green holiday, I return to the ever so familiar strains of a government doing all it can to throw the race card into the long overdue election. Once more the minister for the selective release of unsubstantiated reports, Kevin Andrews, released a bevvy of selective words and unsubstantiated "innuendo's" masquerading as facts to back up his claim that black Africans were to blame for his release of the above. It should of course be pointed out that the operative word here is "black", as the same government encouraged and welcomed with open arms white farmers from Zimbabwe, and would do the same again tomorrow if the polls showed it may be able to win just one more marginal seat.
In a manner befitting the Honorable Minister, Mr Andrews, despite having an opinion that was fact free and based solely on his own departments thinly sourced prejudices given to them by the Minister, Andrews refused to release the basis for having the above, becoz:
a/ it was written in newly developed "invisible ink" and releasing it would compromise national security
b/ he was waiting to see how it all played out in the polls
c/ he is embarrassed to admit that he is dyslexic
d/ "Australia has the right to ensure those who come here are integrating into a socially cohesive community" even if it means falsifying reports, overstating half truths and just making shit up to please those who find it "difficult" seeing dark skinned people on their planet.
e/ the facts to support the Ministers stance are completely absent from any document that the Minister has seen, therefor vindicating the Minister by reverse osmosis.
While refusing to release the full advice or provide any statistics, Mr Andrews said a summary of the material included:
■Concerns about race-based gangs.
■Reports of altercations between Africans at nightclubs.
■Conflict and assaults between some African families.
■Reports of a developing trend of young African males drinking alcohol in parks at night.
■African community organisations arguing about who received favoured treatment.
Prime Minister John Howard yesterday said it was "contemptible" to suggest the Government was playing the race card, he did of course mean that the "race card" had in fact been played.
Of course our Police Chief had to weigh in on the rumble, adding what appeared to be verifiable "facts" to the argument
Ms Nixon said Sudanese people did not have higher crime rates than the general population.
"When we look at the data, what we're actually seeing is that they're not, in a sense, represented more than the proportion of them in the population," Ms Nixon said on Wednesday.
Andrews swiftly and irrefutably rebutted these outlandish pieces of political chicanery:
"When you look at the data that I've looked at, it does seem to me that there is a higher proportion," he told Southern Cross Broadcasting.

But he was unable to release any figures showing higher rates of crime among Sudanese people.
Mr Andrews also offered no data to back his claim yesterday that African refugees were forming gangs, fighting each other in nightclubs, attacking other families and congregating in parks to drink alcohol.

"Well, those figures are figures which are produced by the police," he said.
These "police" are obviously the same secret police who cannot be named for security reasons as Police data showed Sudanese people were under-represented in crime statistics, the other clear fact is that these "police" were the same ones who had us all in stitches with their very funny pantomime review "The Mysterious Haneef Case" which the good minister praised when attending the opening nites drinkathon.
Prehaps the best lines came from the newly positioned Qld Premier, Anna Bligh:
"It has been a long time since I have heard such a pure form of racism out of the mouth of any Australian politician," Ms Bligh told reporters. "When it comes from the immigration minister it is particularly disturbing. To hear this sort of attack on these people is, frankly, something that belongs to the deep south of America in the 1950's"
Reverend David Pargeter, from the Uniting Church's Synod of Victoria and Tasmania, said: "When a Government minister, on the eve of an election, connects violent action with one particular cultural group, we know we have reached deeply into the darkness of racial politics."
The big question is, if this one doesn't bite in the polls, what will the next target be in "race card" stakes, my educated guessing facilities and liberal party insiders tell me, one legged Latvians with boils, and not a moment too soon.
Ms Pauline Hanson on One Legged Latvians with Boils:
Speaking at a Gold Coast Media Club function today, Ms Hanson said she welcomed the move. "It's been recorded in Victoria that there is a 25 per cent increase in HIV. There is TB, and a case of leprosy which has been recorded in South Australia."

Ms Hanson said the Federal Government had a responsibility to ensure the safety of Australians.
"You can't bring people into the country who are incompatible with our way of life and dual legged culture," she said, "what would happen if one of them hopped on your child?"
"They get around in gangs hopping and there is escalating crime that is happening."
No matter what anyone says, Ms Hanson has a Ph.d in facts, which is a pity as she sullys the reputation of all mail order doctorates from bizarre unaccredited US christian universities every time she opens her mouth.
Liberal Race card De jour:
1776-1945: jews, black fellas, asians, Irish, Scotts, Latvians, in fact anyone who didnt come from England.
1824-the death of harold holt: asians
pre-1983: Vietnamese (but only after we had welcomed them during the fraser years)
1980's to early 1990's : Asians
1996 to sept 11/2001: aboriginals and anorexic communist lesbians
sept 2001 - 2007: muslims, afghanis, iraqis, boats
2007- :black africans
to join the game of playing the race card, just pluck out one of Kevin Andrews statements and insert any of the above, down a shot, paste in one of above and down a shot. Works along similar lines to the game of Hitler De Jour.

09:00 – Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade SITREP 59 forwarded to Howard, Reith, Ruddock and “secret list” of Anderson, Costello, Williams and Downer. “There is no reference to children thrown overboard in the reports”. (DFAT spokesman Geoff Raby, Senate Estimates 21/2/02)
Howard says: “I express my anger at the behaviour of those people and I repeat it. I can’t comprehend how genuine refugees would throw their children overboard.”
The boat SIEV 4 sinks.

of course there are other opinions of our governments love of the race card, while they are not flattering towards Howard, they are, of course, welcome contributors to the debate:

if you cant be with the one you love, love the white within.

you know Bush's army is on the slide, welcome to the return of Fragging:

“(The military) is definitely holding back,” said Canavan. “As to why we can only speculate.”
She said it could take anywhere from three weeks to three months for her sister’s autopsy report to be released.
Officials initially told the family Durkin was “killed in action” but changed their story over the weekend, saying she perished from “non-combat related” injuries.

the joke that is the war on terror:
But in their opening statements, the defense attorneys said that their clients had only feigned interest in terrorism to win the $50,000 that the FBI informants, posing as al-Qaeda representatives, were dangling before them.
Despite a wealth of wiretaps and videotapes made of the defendants, the defense noted, there is scant evidence that the men expressed any interest in al-Qaeda when they were not in the presence of the informants -- indicating that it was only an act tailored to that audience.