islamofacist week: celebrate by blowing up your choice of religious establishment
While I don't have time for this shit this week, what with my permanent hardon due to the election, my 23/7 news obsession and more work than jesus at the annual las vegas leper convention, there are a couple of things I couldn't let go, one the ever entertaining serial fabricator and fox news harridan, david horowitz, the other, the Australians ever so fucked up editorial on David Hicks
ALLEGATIONS that US Vice-President Dick Cheney intervened to speed up the processing of David Hicks's trial following a meeting with John Howard during his visit to Australia in February have spurred a predictably hypocritical response from the Hicks cheer squad. Hicks's supporters repeatedly attacked the federal Government for not doing enough to bring Hicks home.
So doing a secret deal, behind the shield of a what was reported (purported) to be a "fair trial" after five years in Gitmo, which the PM denies, fixing a sentence with the vice president to both gag hicks and have him complete a sentence after the election, in direct contravention of the idea of a fair trial, rather than a mere political show trial is somehow construed as anything other than complete bullshit?
Getup executive director Brett Solomon is complaining about political interference and demanding a judicial inquiry.
Jesus if the allegation is in any way true, it deserves more than an inquiry, it demands charges.
While there is no doubt that Hicks's detention and trial went on longer than desirable, no one should forget that Hicks's confession and abundant independent evidence, including his letters, showed that he gave material support to al-Qa'ida, which he joined because he wanted to bring down Western civilisation and that he had trained to use violent means to achieve those ends.
Abundant evidence? Hicks "confession" would not have stood up in any court the Australian has ever been subjected to and the idea that he wanted to "bring down western civilization" is more than a long stretch of any bow, the Australian's owner, Old Rupe, is more in line with that overly emotive pile of utter shit.
In letters to his father, Hicks said the brutal Taliban regime, which executed women in public for crimes such as adultery and forbade girls over the age of eight from attending school, was "the best in the world".
Hicks may have been (well, was really) a complete dickhead for supporting the Taliban, our allies the Saudis, and numerous other of our allies in the war on terror, do the same to a more or lessor degree. Should we jail all expats who've worked in these countries be placed in prison for "bringing down the west".
However flawed Hicks's detention and trial were, there is no doubt that he fared better than Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped in Pakistan in February 2002 and beheaded by al-Qa'ida's third in command, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who is held in Guantanamo Bay.
Apart from the fact that Kalid Shaik confessed to just about every crime to have been committed in the past three hundred years, after many years of torture at the hands of GW Bushes instruments, are we now holding the US to the same standard as that of a notorious terrorist? Have we sunk that low, sure you may have been tortured, murdered or falsely imprisoned, but at least we did it to you, not some other guy in a mud hut, we have a constitution, he just has a knife. To stoop to a level six floors below the gutter to justify your actions surely condemns your actions as totally debased. And didn't one or more "terrorists" already confess to the killing of Daniel Pearl? Or can you just pick and choose your confessions depending upon how you want to frame a factually challenged argument.
Hicks also fared better than his fellow al-Qa'ida trainee, John Walker Lindh, who as a US citizen was more speedily tried in 2002 and received a 20-year sentence for serving with the Taliban and carrying weapons.
Lindh pled guilty, was given no opportunity to go to trial, merely his sentencing, which his father wants revisited, chiefly because of the Hicks verdict. As happened in the Lodi farce, Lindh was basically given the option of buckley's and none, stay, be tortured, be a pawn in the Bushies War on Terror for an indefinite term or confess and get it all out of the way for the tranquility of 20 years in a prison where you at least have a modicum of rights on your home soil. The lindh matter needs a complete review, not this sloppy self serving shit from the Australian.
It is time for Hicks's cheer squad to face up to his ugly crimes and recognise that enough public money has been spent on delivering justice to a man who was dedicated to violently overthrowing our system of justice.
Hicks ugly crimes were by any admission on the lowest rung possible or the terror totem, and if the claims are true about our PM and Cheney fixing the outcome, then surely no amount of money should be spared in getting to the truth of how two politicians can so brazenly use the justice system for their own political end. The system of justice the Australian so brazenly claims to be upholding in its editorial is neutered and rendered obsolete to political whims, and that is surely at the heart of why we need eternal vigilance, not the tripe dished up by this supposed bastion of whatever fuking values it feels like holding up. An inquiry should be the least we expect.,25197,22637955-25209,00.html
Extreme Right wing nutbags who give extreme right wing nutjobs a bad name:
No. 1 - david horowitz
During the week of October 22-26, 2007, the nation will be rocked by the biggest conservative campus protest ever – Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, a wake-up call for Americans on 200 university and college campuses.
The purpose of this protest is as simple as it is crucial: to confront the two Big Lies of the political left: that George Bush created the war on terror and that Global Warming is a greater danger to Americans than the terrorist threat.