Smell that sweet stench of panic in the blue liberal air.
all the roosters that howard has trivialised and degraded are starting to come back to haunt him, it seems that he can no longer run on the mining booms back with the economy and cant hide from the electorate on enviromental issues or the iraq war or the war on terrorism.
With even the ex reserve bank chief destroying his smear on Labors ability to run the economy, Howards allies at the Brethren will need to put the extra millions into thier smears and include the labor party, not just the hapless greens.
Issues that until yesterday the PM Mr Rubbery Shrubbery jnr could not give a flying rabid bats arse about:
global warming
David Hicks
the labor party
the iraq war
clean, renewable energy
sucking dick cheney or GW's cock in full view of the public gallery
he has flipped so totally on all these issues, surely no one could have a collective memory so bad that they dismiss his last ten years of neglect and disregard. Surely, you gold fish are getting sick of the bowl by now.
My take is that the electorate have been waiting for an effective opposition, or at least a credible opposition before they noticed the stench of the current liberal party (though why they gave him a majority in the senate will forever be beyond me, listen up voters, you are all fuckwits, pure and simple). With the last few rate rises obliterating the PM's "trust me" campaign on the economy, voters are now feeling "comfortable and relaxed" about the ecomomy and looking to something other than their wallets to vote for, and the big issues of the day are exactly what Howard has trashed, mangled, degraded and ignored for the last ten years. He must be feeling the pressure in his spine of needing to do so many backflips to kiss his own arse. Watch for a slew of wedge issues to try and destract.
Like Going nuclear (but no mention of where these reactors will be placed)
anything to do with gay rights (maybe banning being gay written into the consitution)
or flag burning gays
or immigrants needing to play australian trivial pursuit to get into the country.
or anything to do with banning youth's breathing in the vicinty of elderly (they are out of control you elderly voters)
states rights (we need a takeover, not now, sooner, let me fill in the details afterwards)
single mothers on welfare burning flags they bought at gay weddings with Bob Brown.
extreme, extreme, extreme greenies like Tim flannery
the abc and its gay flag burning socialist agenda
unions and thier extreme power over global warming
old reactionary, populist moles, like bromwyn bishop (he will wedge her into the labor party just to turn off voters)
and whats the bet, race will play a part in the election campaign PM Little Bush jr:
"If I were running al-Qaeda in Iraq, I would put a circle around March 2008 and be praying as many times as possible for a victory not only for Obama but also for the Democrats."
The inherent message is simple, the war on terror and the war in Iraq are naught more than political playthings, an extension of internal party game playing for the benenfit of a conservative base. Wars fought for purely ideological vote buying exercises? How incredibly sad. To reduce what they describe as a battle for the survival of western civilization to a partisan level simply highlights the bankrupt nature of the current regimes in the US and Australia.
It reveals what we all know underneath, the war on terror, is a war to terrify you into voting Liberal and the Iraq war an uglier extension of that. Blood for Oil is now Blood for your Votes and Oil.
To reduce our relationship with the US to voting conservative negates the entire relationship.
The question to Howard is, if a democrat is elected, does that mean we are no longer allied with the US?
Barack Obama "It's flattering that one of George W. Bush's allies feels obliged to attack me" he then goes on to ask Little Bush to place his hands in his pants and really grip them big balls of his like he means it, by sending in another 20,000 australian troops.
PM Shrilly Shrub jr: "You either rat on the ally or you stay with the ally," he said. "If it's all right for us to go, it's all right for the Americans and the British to go, and if everybody goes, Iraq will descend into total civil war and there'll be a lot of bloodshed." Wonder if its alright with the Iraqi's, it was once their country.
So will you now admit that your policy and your war and your handling of the war is what threatens this very thing? Will you, O great warrior prince, take any responsiblity for the fiasco that is the Iraq War, just a little would be ok, you dont even have to say sorry, just put up your hand and say, "Yes, miss, I broke the vase, can someone else fix it."
.......................................................................... is it necesary to still be holding hearings about why we invaded Iraq? Isn't it right and fair that we simply move along and take the matters in hand, the pressing problem that is Iraq today? After all we are talking all of four years ago, and so much sewage has flowed beneath the bridge.
The simple answer is that we still dont know why we orginally went to war, the ever changing rationale for the invasion has been shot down peice by peice, and each peice that has been shot down has had to be extracted with industrial pliers and a legal team the size of the average gathering at Mecca durring the Hadj. We still have Dik cheney et al, repeating the same lies they told before the war started, we have a sizeable chunk of the population believing such things like WMD have been found or that Saddam had a hand in 9/11. (see any poll of Fox veiwers)
But the most urgent reason why we need to keep on pushing for answers is that the exact same lies and disinformation are being pressed into service for the upcoming bombing/invasion of Iran. Its a word for word retelling of the same fiction.
Iran: WMD, regime change, supporting terrorists, being terrorists, threat to world peace, imminent danger, it goes on and on.
Apart from waiting for the artificial trigger point (see UN resolution 1441, gulf of tonkin, USS peublo or any one of the dozen phony reasons cooked up to invade another country) and the US is doing all it can to provoke a response from Iran (kidnapping acredited Iranian diplomats, carrier groups hovering on international boundaries, claiming Iranian arms are in Iraq without bothering to show proof etc).
I am personally waiting for the "Hitler Meter" to start running. This is when the right wing smear machine starts comparing Iranian leaders to Hitler, always a good sign of imminent cruise missile launches. The more mentions of Hitler, the closer we are to invading.
Whats equally as frightening is the knowledge that those who should know better, who are in positions of immense power are just plain nuts, stupid and fucking idiots. This from Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), the former Chief Deputy Majority Whip, the highest appointed position in the US House of Reps on MSNBC:
Matthews: …why did the president ask for approval of Congress before he went to Iraq?Cantor: Well, you know, I certainly think that his counsel gave him guidance as to why he needed to do that, but at the end of the day the Constitution gives the commander and chief the right to send our troops into battle.
Bush can repeat the Iraq war with nothing more than a nod of his head. He is the decider after all. least one former White House official contends that some Bush advisers secretly want an excuse to attack Iran. "They intend to be as provocative as possible and make the Iranians do something [America] would be forced to retaliate for," says Hillary Mann, the administration's former National Security Council director for Iran and Persian Gulf Affairs. the briefing, the senior United States military officials were repeatedly pressed on why they insisted on anonymity in such an important matter affecting the security of American and Iraqi troops. A senior military official said that without anonymity, for example, the military analyst could not have contributed to the briefing.
On torture and the denial that it has ever occured. Havent we accepted enough complete bullshit from the Bush regime, cast yourself back a mere week and our government was more than happy to accept the bushies assurances over Hicks torture claims. Well straight from the horse's mouth a confession of that which has never occurred according to all "investigations", of US torture."The story of Abu Ghraib isn't over. In many ways, we have yet to open the book."same can be said of Gitmo
..................................................................... us to withdraw from Iraq, Bush, Little Bush jnr and Bean Bush jr will need to eat more than a little humble pie, they will need to rim sum sunni arse and munch on "terrorist" beaver in the full glare of the world. Fair enough, I say, its not my style of porn, but then I dont play with the big boys.
Whats the best way for an Israeli politican to divert attention from a myriad scandals and fuckups.
Visit the Al Aqsa mosque (Sharon) or as they are doing today, start any kind of work on the precinct without bothering to consult the other side. Its quick, guarnateed to get a reaction and will only cost a few dozen lives.
another hypocrit comes clean on the sweet, sweet herb:,,2010584,00.htmlbut dont panic just because a conservative politician loves to get a bit giggly, new research shows he was just using it as a way to prevent lung cancer.
"We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect."
Federal health and drug enforcement officials have widely used Tashkin's previous work on marijuana to make the case that the drug is dangerous. me Jah and fill my pipe. Will we see this positive drug story reach the government booklets and information leaflets distributed to all those kiddies. Who am I kidding.