Thursday, November 30, 2006

dont blame me, I voted for Satan

for those who just love to know what creepy little think tanks creepy thoughts are being aired:

before the shit hits the slums, some'it of interest:

Mr Thomas Friedman, the man who has stated on 15 occasions (starting late 2003 to mid 2006) that the "next six months are crucial" now wants us to invade Iraq. Is the man super sunshine, batshit crazy, look what happened last time someone did that.

TF: Given this, we need to face our real choices in Iraq, which are: 10 months or 10 years. Either we just get out of Iraq in a phased withdrawal over 10 months, and try to stabilize it some other way, or we accept the fact that the only way it will not be a failed state is if we start over and rebuild it from the ground up, which would take 10 years. This would require reinvading Iraq, with at least 150,000 more troops, crushing the Sunni and Shiite militias, controlling borders, and building Iraq's institutions and political culture from scratch...

Juan Cole: The US invaded their country, abolished their army, gutted their civil service, occupied their cities, and now it is the Iraqis' fault.

a win to Muqtada al-Sadr?

gets Bush to hump his leg,
while white house staff feed him chilled peeled grapes and comb his moustache.
Muqtada:"Do you swallow Mr bush? You do now...."

Bush counselor Dan Bartlett
"So it was going to be more of a social meeting anyways."

"There's no snub" says whitehouse lickspittle, Tony Snow, "we just didnt know what wine to serve with muslims"

the Saudi equation
the question is only when they will "offically" start:

"To be sure, Saudi engagement in Iraq carries great risks -- it could spark a regional war. So be it: The consequences of inaction are far worse," Obaid said.

if the United States begins withdrawing from Iraq, "one of the first consequences will be massive Saudi intervention to stop Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias from butchering Iraqi Sunnis."

add this to the Saudi threat to the UK to break off diplomatic relations if they continue to investigate an $80 million slush fund set up to keep the Saudi royal family happy, and you can just feeel the love and stability eminating from the region.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

welcome to the new world dis-order

A JURY in a criminal trial has been discharged because a juror said she could not meet her financial obligations after her boss refused to pay her salary while she was on the case.

Last month, a juror in a case that ran for more than 20 weeks told the judge he had been sacked during the trial.
In a letter to the Herald in September, a juror in a four-month trial wrote: "Changes in workplace laws and practice mean people are suffering because of their absence from the workplace. In my particular jury, a number are in a position of losing their jobs, while one has missed a chance for a once-in-a-lifetime promotion. I have lost innumerable job opportunities and interview prospects."

add it to the pile:

who do I have to kill to get this civil war started?

Nats vs Liberals
watch the video, its funny as hell, and looks a lot like a civil war to me:

but heres what a real civil war looks like:

Iraq is rending itself apart. The signs of collapse are everywhere. In Baghdad, the police often pick up more than 100 tortured and mutilated bodies in a single day. Government ministries make war on each other. A new and ominous stage in the disintegration of the Iraqi state came earlier this month when police commandos from the Shia-controlled Interior Ministry kidnapped 150 people from the Sunni-run Higher Education Ministry in the heart of Baghdad.
Iraq may be getting close to what Americans call "the Saigon moment"

The report describes Iraq's Sunni minority as "embroiled in a daily fight for survival", fearful of "pogroms" by the Shiite majority and increasingly dependent on al-Qaeda in Iraq as its only hope against growing Iranian dominance across Baghdad.
"From the Sunni perspective, their greatest fears have been realised — Iran controls Baghdad and Anbaris have been marginalised," the report says. Moreover, most Sunnis now believe it would be unwise to count on or help US forces because they are seen as likely to leave Iraq before imposing stability.

its just a bit of a lovers tiff, really believe me, he only hits you to show how much he cares.

the age:

Monarchy is the tie that binds us together
By Tony Abbott
November 29, 2006

does anybody else find the idea of such a staunch catholic defending the head of a breakaway church a little mystifying? Didnt the church of england proclaim Romes authority null and void in favour of free lovin', condoms and abortions for all?

Mr Mi Ovaries argues that:

australians are generally ignorant about history, so deserve what they get.
love celebrities, and really the royals are just another variation.
herald sun readers love monarchy enough that 1/3 of them have no opinion opinion, a ringing endorsement as the 26% of young herald sun readers who support the monarchy.
We (so far) speak english. (why so far? is Mr O suggesting that we may soon speak french, the bastards who forced us to invade Iraq)
Its just a good slap in the face to "modernists" who are jealous they didnt invent the monarch, but may have invented the lightbulb, the bastards.
"very idea of the monarchy offends people", yeh so do you fuck face.
If we elect a president, he or she may not act "with the dignity and restraint". Finally someone I can relate to in a position of power, if he/she were to hand me a big fat spliff at an offical function, I would most certainly count that in his or hers favour, not as a negative.
"the monarch represents that ideal of duty and service that is always beyond the reach of actual human beings but towards which all should strive", here, here, I always have said that humans are the worst form of creature to be in charge of anything. Now green skinned extraterrestrials or angry, vengeful dieties probing me day and night, thems I would obey.

"In an age accustomed to the breaking of the most sacred promises" like ministerial accountablity?

I admit it, i hate the mutha fucker coz he is so always a complete whiny, conservative who will tell you to follow his selected verses in the bible, but is more than willing to ignore anything which may offend his dinner commitments (eg eating prawns).

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

completely fooled again

Responsibility, its a favourite word to slap people over the head with, unless you are a government minister, then just look above the ministers head, theres a sign there:

all care,
no ministerial
downer: progressively handing over responsibility for security to the Iraqis.
downer: no responsibility for the war, see the US, they gave us the inteligence

howard: even the french believed that saddam had WMD.
so the french were in favour of invading? not even a weeny little bit, but they are good to handle the responsiblilty for our invasion, they dont speak english or watch neighbours.

mal brough: aboriginals must take responsibility for thier communities.
coz the government sure as hell wont take any.

to cut a long word short, you are responsible if you are:

a state government
a refugee
a 17 yo signing an agreement with a multinational company
on any form of welfare
in the firing line of a coalition weapon
saddam hussien
in jail
on drugs
in a union
(but not a gay union)
any religion except christian

but never if you are a minister in the howard government. Have fun, spend the day fucking pigs and email the photos to underage latvian prostitutes, who cares, a royal commission will be called which will place the blame on the pig, some on the nation of latvia for having underage children, and the rest on the guy who doesnt speak english.

Homer: "Ahh Tibor, how many times have you saved my bacon."

to add weight heres some more responsibility
what the fukc > cleared:

Mr Lindberg (chairman AWB) gave faltering evidence to the inquiry, claiming he could not recall key dates and events and being asked by counsel assisting, John Agius, SC:
"Are you a complete fool?"
("no sir, I have my lucid moments.")
The report completely clears him,
describing the former chief executive as "a truthful witness" who was "not well served" by those who reported to him.

to stop my mental implosion:

juan cole makes a good point about a pointless situation:

Every time you hear someone say that we have to keep the troops in Iraq, press that person to explain what the mission is exactly and how and when it will be accomplished.

At what point will the people of Ramadi wake up in the morning and say, 'We've changed our minds. We like the new government dominated by Shiite ayatollahs and Kurdish warlords. We're happy to host Western Occupation troops on our soil. We don't care if those troops are allied with the Israeli military, which is daily bombing our brethren in Gaza and killing them and keeping them down. We're changed persons. We're not going to bother to set any IEDs tonight and we've put away our sniping rifles.'

(You could substitute Tikrit, Samarra', Baquba, and other Sunni Arab cities for Ramadi).

It is not going to happen. In fall, 2003, 14 percent of Sunni Arabs thought it was legitimate to attack US personnel in Iraq. Now over 70 percent do. Isn't it going toward 100 percent? How would more or less keeping the people of Ramadi in a cage help things in that regard, especially if they perceive us to be doing it on behalf of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (founded by Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran) and the Kurdish Peshmerga and the Israeli army?

naomi robson makes a good point: "i quit"
I make a better one: "so what"
one less story on single mothers cheating on thier lawnmowers with tax payer funds as the MAIN STORY? or does it mean that another weather girl will get to play journalist and ask the tough questions "your mother died a minute ago, how does that make you feel? Is that a welfare cheque in your pocket or are you just back from the pokies. This will disturb you..."


Monday, November 27, 2006

Howards Little Bitch, AO, FW, RSole

The Honourable Terence Rhoderic Hudson Cole AO RFD QC, hence forth known as Howards Little Bitch

I had completely forgotten that this was Howards little bitch's second royal commission, his first netted exactly 0 prosecutions, cost the usual 20-30 million and allowed tony abbot (then industrial relations minister) to smear anyone he wanted. but did get him:

2005: Appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia.

The citation read: “For services to the judiciary, particularly judicial administration; to the reform of the building and construction industry in Australia, and to the community through the Royal Australian Navy and environmental and arts organisations.”

2001-2003: Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry in Australia 1998 - 2000

Questions to be asked:

why weren't any of the "i cant recall" ministers, vaille, downer or the wee one asked back to the witness stand after a million friggin documents turned up, some only as late as last week, well beyond the time needed to get into the final report?

surely you ask questions about evidence, after you have reviewed the evidence, not before and hope that the testimony already given dovetails with the answers (I cant recall, i do not remember, not to my recollection, sorry didnt catch that got your dick in my mouth thats why)......apart from this complete fucking 30 million dollar WHITeWASH

If the whitewash clears the government, why weren't they included in the terms of reference. Looking at the governments role is outside its terms, yet, howards little bitch, clears them? How????

fuck this, I cant think straight, not even the most cursory gloss over could ignore the incompetence of DFAT...BUT IT DOES!!!!!!!

there are moments in ones life where violence does achieve goals, this may be one of them.

thats what freinds are 4:


Friday, November 24, 2006

the it or leave it (special raputure edition)

onward exclusive christian soldiers:

why are private equity firms starting to take on the stench of 1980's junk bonds?

The world is awash with other peoples money, banks are loosening their lending standards and the fat fee merchants of 'PE" are riding the debt bubble to eventual oblivion eg the qantas once taken over by maquarie and its US partner will be 16 billion in debt?

Is this in any way sustainable?

Is it at all conceivable that Singapore Airlines will re-apply for the more profitable routes that it was denied by the Australian government on the grounds of national interest?

more on the morrow

from the what you reap so shall ye sow:unbearable saddness files:

from the older files that still infuriate-right wing facts from:

There's more GOOD news in Iraq than bad news, and the cause our soldiers are fighting for is NOBLE and JUST. Will you help us get the word out?

a/ Five million Iraqi students are back in school, with 51 million new Ba'ath-free textbooks in circulation

widespread kidnappings (both secular and for profit) have forced many students away from schools. Numerous US contractors are under indicment and investigation for profiteering, failure to perform under no bid contracts. Estimate is that fewer than 1 in 50 of the projects (such as schools) have been completed to even marginal standards (such as connecting toilets to sewers or doing anything more than slapping on a single coat of paint over crumbling rooms). The figure "51 million ba'ath free books" is pulled from a australian bloggers website (Arthur Chrenkoff) which is not checked against a single fact, its just culled from any "good" news that he can find on the web, that well known bastion of absolute truth and veracity (eg bold lies told by the CPA of Bremer Fame). eg check out this review of a good book, George Packer, The Assassins’ Gate, which quotes a million facts most of which turn out to be pure bullshit.

so far, the only fact I have been able to glean about the 51 million books is that $us44 million was provided in 2003-2004 for the books. Can anyone say where the books are? Or where the money went?

Academics forced into exile under Saddam are coming back to teach in Iraqi universities

oh jesus, the refugees in Tehran and Damascus are all teachers, doctors and engineers etc, last week half of an entire engineering department were kidnapped, tortured and murdered. Nearly all academics report receiving death threats and ....just fuking jesus...

There are now over 200,000 trained Iraqi security forces personnel

dont ask the pentagon this, their numbers as quoted by Rummy, have gone from 150, 000 to 75 million, my favourite was when rummy was asked how many he gave the fugure as 375,000 and when pressed say how many of these were fully trained and operating independently, the number fell to less than 2,000. The other equation is that even the 200,000 quoted here have simply been trained to join the myriad milias and go on sectarian killing sprees. all praise the lord for the ammunition.

The Ministry of Industry has issued 7661 licenses for new businesses

out of 25 million people over 3 years its nothing, that is less than were register in the first half of 2005 in melbourne alone last year.

There's been a LARGE boost in economic activity due to tax-cuts.

umm, prove that one, just what was the average rate of tax under saddam, and how can a 70% drop in GDP (since invasion/occupation) be classified as a "LARGE boost". Reganomics at its most inventive, pure bullshit at its face value.

A complete rebuilding and renovation of major telecommunications infrastructure

crap and more crap, even iraqi televison stations are mainly broadcast from outside the country or from deep inside the green zone. As for reconstruction, somewhat offset by the rampant, uncontrolled, destruction and corruption.

A new sewer system is stimulating the Iraqi economy & improving health conditions

ok so it only works on average 5 hours a day in the bahgdad and was bombed out of commison by the US and life expectancy is probably down, but people are scooping up shit like this and selling it to right wing chiken hawks for twenty bucks a fact.

Public Health Centers are bringing family healthcare to Iraqi neighborhoods

if you can get past the guards and death squads posing as guards looking to kill the other guards, also posing as guards, looking...u get the circular picture.

WHITEWASH...the old colours are back

lastnight saw our erstwhile foreign affairs minister, Mr Thingsthatbatter Downer and he refused to answer the simple question:

have you read the cole report?

and he was looking very pleased with himself.

this all adds up to one word: WHITEWASH

TONY JONES: So you haven't read them?

ALEXANDER DOWNER: What I’ve read and haven’t read is immaterial. Everybody will be able to read the Cole report next week. You'll all be able to read it and you’ll all be able to go back over what you've said before and the allegations you've made - I don’t mean you personally - people have made, and you'll be able to compare what you've said with the findings of Mr Cole. You'll be able to make judgments and we'll all be able to make judgments about the accuracy of what we've said in the past. Not just me, not just the Prime Minister and the Trade Minister, but everybody will be able to make a judgment about the accuracy of what they've been saying.

ALEXANDER DOWNER: I think you want to go into the AWB issue and the Cole Inquiry, let me save you your questions: The Cole report will be given to the Governor General, I think it is tomorrow, it will be tabled in Parliament next week and everyone will be able to read it. So all of the theories that people have, whether they're conspiracy theories, whether they're accurate, inaccurate, wrong, lies, whatever they are, that will all be transparent for people to see next week and I'm not getting into any speculation about it late this week.

thems a lot of words to say, yes, he has read it and likes the cut of his Cole boys jib, theres an AO or a blowjob from the queen in the mail.

Can democracy get any worse?

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

drought of ideas part three: thirsty beavers away

No this poll was not taken in Ohio, but in our favourite place for the delivery of flowers and chocolates, Occupationland. Get the fuck outa dodge is what they are telling us.

M.E. maddness part 4 million and seventy two:

Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel was gunned down on Tuesday as he drove in a Christian suburb of Beirut, becoming the sixth anti-Syria politician to be killed in nearly two years.

splashed across the front page and headline from here to eternity. Perhaps we should also be looking at the fact that both Israel and the US are very happy to assasinate political opponents and have declared it their right to do so. Is it the absolute height of hypocrisy to condemn one side for doing exactly what you support the right of you and your freinds to do. Not in this brave new world of order.

The Nuclear Power debate.
(debate? I think we may have redefined the word)

Unbelievable, a government commisioned report whose chairman was a staunch advocate of nuclear power, whose only greenish member quit the day the terms of reference were released, finds that his findings were suprisingly in line with the government who commissioned the report. I am shocked to the core of my own personal reactor.

Me, I am neither for nor against nuclear power, for me its just another power scource, albeit with some strange side effects, but other than that, go ahead make my day glow.

So, we see the report (or the draft of the report) and it sadly reflects the incredibly narrow definition of the question asked. Whitewash is too good a term for the opening of this debate.

Perhaps the question that should have been asked that may have done some good, is a simple one:

What are the options for baseload power into the future? please discuss.

If solar and wind are not suitable for baseload, then how about geothermal and wave power?
If nuclear is not feasible without the public paying through the nose to put money in GE's pocket, and if government subsidies are inevitable, shouldnt the worlds communities band together to do a Manhattan project on alternative renewable energy? You know it made sense.

Another question, if the PM Mr Rubbery Shrubbery 2 is so damned fired up about the safety and necesity of nuclear power, does that mean that he supports the Iranian governments actions in its building of one? If not, what the fuck....

Is this report a forbidding look at the next whitewash, The Cole Inquiry? Or will Downer, Vale etc be given the right royal boot up the arse they so richly deserve?

What did change in 1996 that prompted our beloved wheatboard to hang out the "Please Corrupt, as a refusal may insult" sign in the store window? Hummmmm....96, no dont tell me, its on the tip of my ballot box......

reasons why peace in the middle east is further away than ever...

building bridges, making us safer....

its new years eve 1983...welcome to 1984

The US government has tweaked its terminology in referring to the nearly 11 million Americans who face a constant struggle with hunger to refer to them as people with "very low food security".

According to a report released this month by the US Department of Agriculture, roughly 35 million Americans had difficulty feeding themselves in 2005 and of those some 10.8 million went hungry.

But unlike last year's report on hunger in America, which labelled families who don't get enough to eat as having "food insecurity with hunger", this year's report referred to them as having "very low food security".
from the we are all doomed files:
if this can happen to the Furry ones daughter, what hope does anyone have walking down the street. Also I am assuming that this means that secret service agents who throw themselves in front of speeding bullets, should one have the pleasure of speeding its way towards the bushy president, dont have to do this in the case of the presidents family, they just need to deflect it to a less than lethal area to be in compliance with their job description.
Doin a heck ov a job fellas.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

i drank a jar of coffee, then I took some of these..

Q: How many born-again Christians does it take to change a light bulb?

A: None. They have already seen the light.

dirty bombs away......

from the I fuking hate american taliban, john ashcroft files, news on Jose Padilla, the man whom ashcroft paraded before the media as about to destroy the US with "dirty bombs" and other nefarious weapons, despite a lack of weapons, plan or seemingly anything else that may have been dangerous (excluding nail clippers, he may have had those, but its extremely difficult to destroy a city as large as new york with manicurists equipment, maybe a small city like chicago you may have a chance). The question of David Hicks comes to mind, if this is what the Bush Regime does to its own citzens, what hope does an australian "enemy combatant" have. habeas corpus is latin for depravation of liberty, not your rights.

John "we already won the war on terror and drugs" Ashcroft, 2002:

I am pleased to announce today a significant step forward in the war on terrorism. We have captured a known terrorist who was exploring a plan to build and explode a radiological dispersion device, or "dirty bomb," in the United States.

From information available to the United States government, we know that Abdullah Al Muhajir is an Al Qaeda operative and was exploring a plan to build and explode a radioactive "dirty bomb."

washing ton post:

After he was arrested in 2002, Jose Padilla was considered so dangerous that he was held without charges in a military prison for more than three years -- accused first of plotting a radiological "dirty bomb" attack and later of conspiring with al-Qaeda to blow up apartment buildings with natural gas.

A Republican-appointed federal judge in Miami has already dumped the most serious conspiracy count against Padilla, removing for now the possibility of a life sentence. The same judge has also disparaged the government's case as "light on facts," while defense lawyers have made detailed allegations that Padilla was illegally tortured, threatened and perhaps even drugged during his detention at a Navy brig in South Carolina.

Robert M. Chesney, a specialist in national security law at Wake Forest University:

"I think the prosecution is ultimately going to emerge victorious on these legal questions," Chesney said. "But, from Day One, we've never had sufficient admissible evidence to fully prosecute Jose Padilla. That's the real problem they have, and it's been a problem from the beginning."

federal public defender Michael Caruso and his team also alleged "was tortured for nearly the entire three years and eight months of his unlawful detention. The torture took myriad forms, each designed to cause pain, anguish, depression and, ultimately, the loss of will to live. The base ingredient in Mr. Padilla's torture was stark isolation for a substantial portion of his captivity."

Among other things, the defense alleges that Padilla was held for 1,307 days in a 9-by-7-foot cell, isolated for days or weeks at a time, physically assaulted and threatened with execution and other violence, kept awake with lights and noises, and forced to take mind-altering drugs, possibly PCP or LSD.

The government counters that Padilla offers no evidence to back up the allegations and that, besides, his treatment by the military is irrelevant to the criminal case against him.

now these are mainstream media, the real skinny on him can be a lot nastier. eg two weeks after 9/11 getting his agents to raid medical marijuana clinics and handcuffing paraplegics to their beds. Christian mercy has never been so strained, nor so instantly hypcritical and politically motivated. A true cunt for the ages.

SEYMOUR M. HERSH on the future of the middle east:

one of the worlds great journalists.

Friday, November 17, 2006

oh sheet

holy fuck batman, there is one big shitstorm approaching:

the age gets goofy

Terrorists using comedy websites to lure recruits
16, 2006 - 3:51PMAdvertisement

Terrorists who have long embraced the internet for propaganda and planning have begun to post comedy and Top 10 lists to draw in young recruits, experts say.
Bouchaib Silm, a researcher with the terrorism department at Singapore's Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, said websites are becoming more modern in design, incorporating content designed to hook a younger generation of sympathisers and potential recruits.
Sites can no longer simply show videos of Osama bin Laden giving an hourlong speech as he sits in front of a bare wall, Silm said.
"The young of today will not listen to him," he said. "They will get bored. So the recruiters need something new to attract them."

I dont know wether its the juxtapostion of the ancient twins with the mammoth bones or just my general fascination with all things history and pre-history, but this un tickled me mightily

Thursday, November 16, 2006

gots to love the other civil war without end

My position in the civil war on drugs/prohibition is very simple and may have been said elsewhere:

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

nothing I can say will ever be greater or truer. full funking stop.

Strawhorn was corrupted by the opportunity to make money from illegal transactions by buying pseudoephedrine at $170 per kilogram under a police scheme he introduced and selling it at black market rates.

$170 per kilo = $1.70 per gram

sold @ between $150.00 to $200 per gram

the only victims here are the people who buy the stuff
(ok maybe thats me thats feeling victimised, you bastards, not that I am admiting anything about my occasional sleepless weekends, its just insomnia and my ADHD+D acting up, curse you ritilin)

to paraphrase that passionate believer in freedom, gun toting, NRA chairman, charlton heston: when drugs are criminalised, only criminals will have drugs.

the war on terror catches up with that wicked, satan infested, pagan holiday.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


some thoughts on the current narrative on the iraq fiasco after seeing an interview on lateline the other night with New York Times bureau chief there, John Burns.

JOHN F. BURNS: Well, of course, as you can imagine, reading the al Qaeda pronouncement on the Internet, and they're pretty media savvy these days, they've mocked it. Just as President Bush has feared they would, they see this fractiousness in Washington as being a sign that victory is ever closer for them. The more they see disarray amongst the Americans, disarray in the government in Baghdad, the more reason they have to think that they only have to hang on and that they will inherit the kingdom.

Victory for Al queda? Who imagines that al queda or bin laden will be in government after the inevitable fall of the coalition of the vapors, no one. After the americans, the british and us have vacated the premise's and the civil war begins in earnest or the Iraqis sort their own troubles out, they will fall on the foriegn fighters like vultures on a discarded ham sandwich if they try to interfere with whoever manages to strongarm themselves into power. At the moment they are tolerated by both sides because their attacks are focused on the americans, things will not be so rosey once they have gone. Its just a republican talking point left over from the last few wasted years.

I can't progress more than 200 yards from where I'm now standing without cladding myself in armour, with body guards. The capital is not safe. There is no city in the country that's safe.

but victory is only months away, according to John Mccain. If we follow his directions.

To the east, we have Iran backing the Shiites. To the west, you have Syria, and, much more quietly, a number of other Sunni Arab countries backing the Sunnis.

the most interesting line in this is the one that is not spoken, naming the Sunni arab countries, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, yemen, algeria. From most scources the majority of the foriegn fighters are coming from these countries, but we must not mention them, only syria and iran, why, you would need to ask a journalist of some repute why he would self-censor. If the iranians were sending hordes across the border, wouldnt the americans have proof of this in the shape of the passports they find on the bodies of the fallen, yet the only passports they display are of citzens of the above four countries. The Iranians dont need to send anyone across the border, they already have dear and very close freinds at the very top of the elected Iraqi parliament, from chalabi to illaywi to maliki, all have close ties to Iran.

We only have to look at what happened yesterday in Basra. We don't know yet how those four British soldiers died but we do know that a principal concern for the British military in Basra has been this flow of highly sophisticated explosive devices and weapons that’s coming from Iran.

funny, another US talking point, when one D. "sorry bout that" Rumsfeld said the same thing journalists asked "do you have any proof of that?" The supreme commander in Iraq standing right next to him, stepped instantly to the microphone and said "No. No we have no proof of that at all." Doesnt stop our soft, liberal, we are with the terrorists and democrats, media pusing the exact same disinformation as fact.

Is Iran going to stop that in support of the Shi'ites? I don't think so. Is Syria going to stop, after three and a half years, the flow of Sunni Arab militants into the country? I don't think so.

let me try and get this right, I am so confused I fear I must have fallen over and struck my head on something very hard indeed. During the recent invasion of Lebanon, syria was backing hezzbollah, along with Iran, now they are opposed to hezzbollah? So what happened to all the lebanese hezzbollites waving syrian flags and photos of bashir asad? Its backing the sunnis? The flow of funding for the sunnis comes from the Saudis and their friends, but dont mention that to anyone. Someone needs to get the narrative straight for more than three weeks in a row, otherwise you just get to look a bit silly.

If you talk to Iraqis who do not like the occupation – but if you ask them – the really central question is, “Would you like them to go and go now?”, you find an overwhelming majority of Iraqis will oppose that.

perhaps he needs "progress more than 200 yards from where I'm now" to get his stats, over 60% of iraqis support attacks on coalition troops and around the same number when asked by the state department wanted the troops out, with no timelimit on how fast, just out.

you had the Prime Minister, two weeks ago, saying, “The Americans have failed, the Americans are responsible for the breakdown in security. I want control of the armed forces, I want control of the war.” Illusory completely, because, without the Americans here, Mr Malaki and all of those around him, across the river, in the government compound, would be swept away, in fact, they’d be back where they started, which, I’m afraid to say, which is in exile in Tehran and in London and in Paris and in New York.

I think that these are the "overwhelming majority of iraqis" he did so speak off. I have a great deal of respect for the times journo, he faces a near impossible job in impossible circumstances, but even so, he does need a little fact checking before he opens his mouth. Then again so do I most of the time, thats where the beauty of alcohol comes in, its has its own built in fact checker.

.......... quid pro quo muthafuckers

lets see, the blockade of cuba is pushing 50 years, the sanctions on Iran are getting close to 30, Nth korea over 50, the sanctions on vietnam is just a wee bit under 30 and will continue. Remember that the sanctions on vietnam have only a little bit to do with the actual war america lost, they were imposed because the vietnamese overthrew the Pol Pot regime. Also the world seems to have completely forgotten the american promise to pay reparations for the damage caused by the USof A. Meanwhile in Iraq the USof A are forcing the Iraqi's to pay over $20billion (greenbacks) for their invasion of kuwait and a further $40 billion for bills run up by Saddam. As a side light, the french when they left thier beloved Indochine after getting their arses whupped, paid reparations to the nth vietnamese, and in return, all their POW's were returned, the Nixon administration promised to pay, immediatlly reneged, and had next to none of their POW's returned. Kissinger kills more americans.

from the "where are they now" files, Tony Bullimore is missing, again...told you we should have shipped the bitch off to Naru as an illegal immigrant. Its for his own bloody good. Still its better than having a firecracker blow up in his arse.

from big daddy B, a quick blowjob for the little un':

Bush revealed that he enjoys using “the email” but lamented that his son, President George W. Bush, cannot for fear that the emails would get subpoenaed. Bush worried that presidents who used email would be forced to prove “that you were telling the truth and all this stuff.”
yaksheemesh, moneky see, moneky do...

lets see them find kazakstan (sick) on the map. or canada. a look behind the war on terror, it aint pretty.

has anyone told you lately ..narratives in despair

lets try and summarise the ever changing rationale for being in Iraq:

wmd (remember those, ok we was only joking)
regime change
saddams ouster
saddams capture
something mumbled that nobody quite caught

now we have...

american prestige

From the 7.30 report, Our PM, Mr Rubbery Shrubbery:

what I will say in answer to that question is that if the coalition leaves Iraq, in circumstances where it is viewed by the rest of the world, and particularly by terrorists, as a defeat, that will have enormous and negative ramifications for the prestige and the authority of the United States in the world.

Its a little like trying to save a suicidal man by telling them that its only small drop when they are standing on the ledge of a twenty story building. The Bush regimes problems are entirely self created and we are doing nothing more than encouraging them by being there. Considering that our role has been as a minor yes man to each and every dumbass neocon fantasy, shouldnt we have at least have told someone in washington by now that having a clue would be a good start. Instead, we march in lock step over the precipice.

nobody may leave Iraq if it means that midwestern american values are in any danger of being undermined.

We cannot leave Iraq if one foetus will be aborted.
We cannot leave Iraq if one flag is in danger of being burnt.
We cannot leave Iraq until they write the sanctity of christmas into their constitution.
We cannot leave iraq until they accept jesus as thier salvation.
we cannot leave Iraq if even one gay iraqi starts to think he may marry his/her boyfriend/girlfriend/rick santoriums dog.
we cannot leave iraq if satan has a foothold in any iraqi metal band.
we cannot leave iraq until every iraqi has been to a britany spears concert. (that'll teach the heathen bastards)

these are the central issues that govern my day. And I will defend to the death your right to invade my morals and replace them with yours.

as robert fisk sez: "the americans must leave, the americans cant leave and the americans will leave. Its the equation that turns sand into blood" Bow down before the one u serve.

We cannot leave iraq until the iraqis know how to defend themselves, but personally I figure thats exactly what they are doing, and they are very good at it, just ask the nearly 3,000 americans who've died so far and the 550 plus who are now limbless, or the 165,000 to 650,000 Iraqi dead.

The saddest fact is that in australia not one vote will be changed by our failed Iraq adventure, the question that Howard needs to be pressed upon is, what responsibility do you take for the chaos and death that rules Iraq? His answer so far is to point to france and say "well even the french believed saddam had WMD's". The french are such cunts for getting us mixed up in this.
I also blame them for Jaidyn lesky and jailing lindy chamberlan. Jacque Chirac take note, you are must be smacked, hard.

funniest news of the day, fox's boggest cocksuker Bill o's sexual harrassment lawsuit is it and weep in laughter and artistic shame while you ponder your next democrat inspired compulsory abortion....

Friday, November 03, 2006

onward christian soldiers...

Cant wait to see Jesus Camp, now with an added twist to the title.

So far, unsubstantiated accusations, but god has got to love it coz he apparently works in mysterious ways, like jack abramhov.

Can the Republicans and thier evangalical cronies fill the air with any more scandals. I can only hope, well, really all I can hope for is that the US voting public do the right thing and confine these scumbags to the land of oblivion. Its harder to syphon public money and influence from there.

real life, can it unfold any faster...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

US midterms: one week to solve a problem

Christo eat yaw heart out, this is big:

Federal Tourism Minister Fran Bailey says using "shade cloth" over parts of the Great Barrier Reef off Queensland could protect it from the harmful effects of global warming.

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef system, composed of roughly 3,000 individual reefs and 900 islands, that stretch for 2,600 kilometres. (wikipedia)

Now repeat after me: the science is not yet in/conclusive/is disputed/politically motivated/we love the coal industry.

war on terror alert:
Police arrested 25 people in raids across Britain on Aug. 9-10 and charged 17 of them, after uncovering a suspected plot to assemble and detonate improvised explosives on board as many as 10 U.S.-bound planes.

Now lets try and remember the great plot to blow up a hundred airliners over the Atlantic a few months back. 25 arrested, then down to 23 than down to 17, now we have another two down which makes 15 and declining. How much did the total ban on liquids, carry on bags and the chaotic disruption cost each and every one of us? How much of a load of political bullshit will spew from the respective administrations about victory over (u make up a threat, its as credible) terrorism have we already heard.

my favourite line in the whole sorry affair, which wont be over until 2008, reads like something out of team america, 9/11 x 1000:

The alleged plot was described by investigators as having the potential to be on a similar scale to the Sept. 11 attacks.

A drastic crackdown on security following the arrests snarled air traffic across the Atlantic and caused frustrating delays for thousands of passengers.
In a statement, the Crown Prosecution Service said that they believed there was sufficient evidence to charge the brothers under Britain's terrorism laws.
"The court decided today that there is no case to answer; we respect the court's decision," the brief statement said.

Once again, I feel so much safer knowing what a hubris laden, miscreants control this war. I always feel safer traveling though the middle east, at least they are sensible in the way they handle security, two pat downs before boarding the planes, along with the usual security screening, and no great chaos. Why should I feel safer in Damascus and Tehran, than I do knowing who is in charge of my welfare here. Remember when you die from a terrorist explosion, Bush, Blair and Howard can count on your supporting thier vote.

all the news that desrves to be spun and glossed over from Iraq:

If the democrats dont have a plan, its sure gots to be better than the fuckers who started it all without a plan. Turn the lights out before you board the helicopter in panic at the US embassy.

there is nothing sweet in any of those reports. But wait, lets hear how the architects of the "plan", cheney and rumsfeld are doing:

Bush said that "both men are doing fantastic jobs."
He said he valued Cheney's advice and judgment. "The good thing about Vice President Cheney's advice is, you don't read about it in the newspaper after he gives it," the president said.
Mr. Bush credited Rumsfeld with overseeing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while overhauling the military. "I'm pleased with the progress we're making," the president said. He replied in the affirmative if he wanted Rumsfeld and Cheney to stay with him until the end.

How about giving them the Medal Of Freedom and then booting their arse's to somewhere dark, dank and slimey where they cant do such a "fantastic job".

vote last Family First

So despite being in the middle of democracy in all its glorious one spoke fits all wheels action, I am more than a little disinterested. When J.Kennet was unceremoniously dumped by a reactionary rising of the lumpen proletariart many years ago, I was drunk (for many days I seem to recall) and predicted that he would return as our erstwhile leader. Shows how often i venture past the gates of the inner city and more importantly how often I take notice of the "voter's" or thier base level concerns. Perhaps I am, as I often feel and resemble, a neandertal staring out from his cave at the hordes of sapiens waving spears in the general direction of something that may include me. Or maybe its just that the voting intentions of my fellow stater's bore me senseless in this game of fiddling around the edges of inanities.

Big ideas are just a little lacking, its either stay the course (labor) or stay the course with a new dam on the maryibinong (libs).

The only point of any real interest in this election is the outcome of the new voting system, will the proportional representation really give a voice to the minority that so richly desreves a place in the duopoly of power. I can only pray to my pagan gods that the literalist interperpreters of the other pagan god (J.C. rip) are squashed like the fragrant stink beetles that they are.

Should Family First be proscribed under Phil Ruddocks new laws as a terrorist organisation?
My short answer is yes, followed by a late night knock on Steve Feildings door by several hundred asio agents demanding to know what it is about the sale of his vote to the Howard Regime that is so damned family friendly, is a christian minister in every school really worth the sale of telstra? Is being a political whore for christ any different from just being another political whore? I shall apologise to whores throughout the world, many do have morals and inteligence and provide a useful service to the community, unlike Family First.

FAMILY FIRST believes we have to send the strongest message that drugs are dangerous, that drug use will never be tolerated and that drug use will be punished.

backed up by a call for more drugs:

FAMILY FIRST wants further research into alternate therapies such as
Naltrexone implants

followed by 3 months mandatory detention:

FAMILY FIRST wants courts to have the power to require people to
undergo treatment for a minimum three-month period.

of course families with drug problems should never look at proven programs which help families with drug problems, that would be crazy and just a little communist inspired greenery:

While other parties might have crazy policies like giving heroin free to addicts, opening injecting rooms across Victoria and abolishing penalties for possessing drugs

from thier press release:


We need to be tough on policing the drug trade and do everything we can to deter people – particularly our kids – from taking drugs.

this means locking our kids up for three months. Caring and oh so christian-judean.

Being tough on drugs means saving lives.

Being tough on drugs simply means doing the same as every other day a politician calls for being tough on law and order, an auction to see who can win the most votes by placing the most amount of people in jail. Its not an answer to anything, except to Wacenhuts profit forcasts. Saving lives is exactly what a shooting gallery is all about, ackowleging that addiction is a medical condition, not a legal issue, saves lives. Judeo-christian values on drugs are formed not from caring about the human condition, they are formed by the desire to control those who dont conform to their sterotype, no matter what the cost in human lives.
Christianity has no "christian" position on drugs, there is nothing in the bible (new or old) that backs up thier pure lowest common denominator politics, it the is cheap, nasty vote buying scheme of a political whore.

why they voted to allow the howard regime to allow private schools more money is another tit for tat bit of political whoring:

FAMILY FIRST believes all Victorian children must have access to high quality education programs and facilities from kindergarten to year 12 or equivalent.

So what study are they talking about?
Studies reveal that children who are exposed to pornography are more likely to consider sexual abuse as normal. Their psycho-sexual development may also be damaged.

easy one, far right wing James Dobson's study for Focus on the Family, a useless bit of psuedo-waffle that focused on serial killers and the like, finding that pornorgraphy was present in nearly all cases, what the study didnt tell you was that Disney products (films etc) were more prevalent in the homes of offenders (nearly 100%) and that despite the increase in availablity of pornorgraphy, the western world has witnessed a near universal decline in murders, rapes and crime in general. This despite an massive increase in the amount of behaviour that has been criminalised (eg. the blair government has introduced over 3,000 new criminal offences since coming into office).

The Fieldings don't drink alcohol and, in line with the party's tough stance on drugs, say they
have never experimented. Steve's answer to the dope-smoking question is opaque.
"Not that I can recall, no," he says, adding: "I think no one in Australia is exempt from making a mistake."

That mistake will give you an instant three months detention if Steve has his way, will steve be less opaque in his answers when carted off. A fool who drinks at least can blame his idiocy on alcohol, what about you steve, you have no excuse, unless you cant recall drinking, like I do regularly.

Family first also dont seem to believe in global warming, or common sense, calling on the state to build more dam's, so presumably they will also call on the government to legislate for more rain to fill these dams. Do they have any position on global warming? Yes, they pull that hoary chestnut out of the fire "Evidence of climate change is not conclusive" so beloved by our right wing brethren. They are also against the "one worlders", those who wish to usurp the nation by binding it to agreements which will ultimately see the blue helmets arrive on our streets as the new world governments storm troopers.

In ratifying treaties, Family First believes that we should ensure that Australia does not cede any sovereignty.

This naturally means that steve's boys and girls will withdraw Australia from the UN and all associated international charters, also reneging on all international contracts and treaties, such as ANZUS, ASEAN and any free trade agreements we may reach.

Protect marriage:
Defend and promote marriage as between
a man and a woman which is the best
environment to raise our kids.

Get your filthy hands out of peoples lives, after a hundred years of civil rights progress, the far right wants to take us somewhere where homosexuality dont exist. It is to the detrement of all humanity if your sexual orientation makes you a second class citizen, in any way, shape or form, full fucking stop.

Family First knows that its main rival for the indepent vote are the greens, so every press release will have a smear at them.

Vote Family First: not in a bhuddists list of lifetimes. Far right christian whores, are still whores, no matter how many crosses they dangle round thier necks. Superstition and stolen pagan rituals are not the best place to begin a better society, just think of the kids, wont somebody think of the kids.

me love darwin, me no find much merit in social darwinists